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Author: WorkCompAcademy

New Treatment to Restore Breathing After Long Term Paralysis

Severe spine injury cases involving paralysis are among the most costly industrial injuries  But now, Case Western Reserve researchers have developed a procedure that restores function to muscles involved in the control of breathing – even when they have been paralyzed for more than a year. The breakthrough offers hope that one day patients with severe spinal cord injuries will be able to breathe again without the assistance of a ventilator.

According to the report in Medical News Today, principal investigator Philippa M. Warren, PhD, presented the results at Neuroscience 2014, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. “We show that respiratory paralysis can be reversed at long intervals after spinal cord injury,” said Warren, a neurosciences researcher at MetroHealth Medical Center, which is affiliated with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. “This has the potential to alleviate the long suffering of currently injured patients, improving their quality, and potentially length, of life.”

Investigators focused their research on a group of nerves that extend from the respiratory control center in the brain stem down to the C3 through C5 vertebral levels of the spinal cord located in the middle of the neck. These fibers, or brain axons, control the diaphragm muscle in its critical function of breathing. Any injury to the spinal cord above the C3 vertebra can cause widespread muscle paralysis leading to difficulties in breathing, but also moving, regulation of cardiac output, and sexual function. Unfortunately, these injuries high in the neck are the most common among sufferers of spinal cord trauma.

Following injury to the spinal cord, damaged nerve fibers die, causing loss of the connections between the brain and muscles of the body. To help preserve tissue immediately after injury, a scar forms at the site of the trauma and extends the distance of several inches up and down the spinal cord. This scar tissue is very dense, contains sugars that inhibit new neuronal growth, and does not reduce in length or intensity over time. The consequence is that new connections cannot form to enable muscle function after injury, which is exceptionally important to breathing.

Spinal cord injury-induced paralysis of the respiratory muscles causes low oxygen in the blood, increases the body’s drive to breathe and drives any functioning respiratory muscles to work harder. The breathing capacity of the spinal cord-injured is often not enough to fully support a patient’s life. However, if new nerve fibers or connections can form in the spinal cord, then pathways can be activated to restore respiratory function. So Case Western Reserve researchers devised a technique to treat the injury site with a specially designed enzyme to reopen connections and to apply respiratory therapy to strengthen the remaining functioning respiratory muscles.

In laboratory animals, investigators used the combination technique to restore respiratory function many months after the injury. First, they injected the chondroitinase enzyme at the site of respiratory nerves in the spinal cord to remove the inhibiting sugars from scar tissue. The action of the enzyme enabled both the formation of new connections and stimulation of latent pathways in the respiratory motor system. Second, the animals were exposed to brief periods of conditions with low oxygen, making them breathe harder and faster to rehabilitate the respiratory muscles. This treatment approach is referred to as intermittent hypoxia.

The combination enzyme injection and intermittent hypoxia treatment boosts levels of serotonin. Commonly known to help relieve anxiety disorders, serotonin also acts more broadly as a neurotransmitter to help stimulate nerve cells. By increasing serotonin at nerve connections and at the specific receptors on the fibers themselves, the researchers were able to help restore diaphragm function back to normal levels in the animals. This finding is extraordinary not only because function to the paralyzed muscle was completely restored, but also because researchers were able to achieve breathing in animals that had been injured for a year and a half.

“It is remarkable to reactivate the diaphragm and breathing in a chronically injured animal that has had a paralyzed half diaphragm most of its life,” said Jerry Silver, PhD, a Case Western Reserve professor of neurosciences who collaborated in the research.

While these results are encouraging, more research is required to perfect the treatment. More than two-thirds of the animals in the study responded to the combined treatment strategy, while the treatment had no effect on the remaining animals. Two thirds of the animals that responded to the combined treatment resumed normal breathing, while the other third experienced erratic breathing in the injured muscle.

Fresno Applicant Attorney Prevails in Legal Malpractice Case

Antoian Griffin, retained Fresno attorney Alex Berlin, to represent him before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. Griffin claimed he was entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for a low back injury sustained during a one day job on December 7, 2009. Although Griffin claimed that he experienced severe low back pain the next day, he did not seek treatment until December 11, 2009. He notified the employer of the alleged industrial injury on December 15, 2009.

John Branscum, M.D., examined Griffin and prepared a qualified medical evaluation report. Dr. Branscum reviewed medical records pertaining to this particular injury. Griffin described the event, his current symptoms, and past medical history during the examination. Dr. Branscum noted that Griffin denied having any prior symptoms, injuries or disability to his low back; having any prior work-related injuries; or being the recipient of any prior industrial or nonindustrial awards or settlements. Based on his examination and the information provided to him, Dr. Branscum concluded that Griffin “strained his back on December 7, 2009 and therefore, the injury is AOE/COE,” Griffin began receiving treatment for a back injury through the Pain Relief Health Center. Appellant’s treating physician placed him on total temporary disability with a diagnosis of lumbar spine disc bulge and lower back pain.

However at an MSC prior to the WCAB trial, the medical records submitted by the defense revealed that: Griffin suffered a work-related back injury in 1985 and received workers’ compensation benefits; sought treatment for chronic back pain in 1990; received care for pain in the lumbar area in 2001; and underwent an evaluation for persistent back pain, “felt to be of musculoskeletal origin,” in 2006. ,

After receiving the above evidence, attorney Berlin initiated settlement negotiations in the workers’ compensation matter. The defense offered $13,000 to settle. Mr. Berlin conveyed this offer to Griffin multiple times and recommended that he accept it. Griffin refused this offer and denied the existence of the medical records and claimed that he never had an earlier back injury. Griffin dismissed Berlin as his attorney after trial, but before the workers’ compensation matter was ruled on.

The WCJ found that Griffin did not meet his burden to establish, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he sustained an industrial injury to his back on December 7, 2009. The WCJ questioned his credibility noting that he changed his testimony several times during trial and gave a false and contradictory medical history to Dr. Branscum. The WCJ further observed that, despite his denials, it was clear from the medical records that he sustained a substantial industrial back injury in 1985 that kept him off work until 1988.

Griffin then filed civil action against his worker’s compensation attorney in Superior Court alleging that Mr. Berlin committed legal malpractice and breached his fiduciary duty. The trial court granted summary judgment in Berlin’s favor. The court concluded that Mr. Berlin met his burden of showing there was no evidence that either he or his associate Christopher White fell below the standard of care or breached any fiduciary duty in representing Griffin. The court further found that Griffin did not meet his burden to show the existence of a triable issue of material fact as he did not present any admissible evidence in opposition to the motion. Griffin appealed the dismissal of his malpractice case. The Court of Appeal affirmed the dismissal in the unpublished case of Griffin v Berlin.

Griffin based his legal malpractice claim on two alleged errors committed by respondent Alex Berlin. According to appellant, respondent did not present certain evidence as requested by appellant, specifically a June 3, 2011, letter from Dr. Justin Paquette stating that appellant’s injury was attributable to the December 7, 2009 injury and the two most recent reports from appellant’s treating physician. Appellant further argues that respondent erred by failing to object to the admission of appellant’s medical records that predated the accident.

In support of his summary judgment motion, respondent Berlin submitted the expert declaration of Thomas Tusan, an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Tusan opined that neither respondent nor his associate fell below the standard of care for providing legal services to applicants before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. Specifically, Tusan noted that the letter from Dr. Paquette was duplicative of the report from Dr. Branscum and contained the same inherent flaw in that it was also based on appellant’s self report that he did not have any prior injuries. According to Tusan, the remaining documents were duplicative and were created after discovery was closed. Tusan further explained that there were no grounds for objection to the admission of appellant’s earlier medical records.

Tusan’s declaration demonstrated that Griffin’s representation did not fall below the standard of care and thus negated his legal malpractice claim. In opposing the motion, appellant failed to submit any admissible evidence and thus did not establish the existence of a triable issue of material fact. Accordingly, the trial court properly granted summary judgment.

How Hard is it to Stop a Rogue Doctor?

58 year old Sri Jayantha Wijegunaratne MD, (aka Wijegoonaratne) an Anaheim Hills-based doctor who practices out of a medical marijuana clinic has been court-ordered to stop practicing medicine while he is out on bail for the alleged sexual assault of a female patient. But he was already out on a bail in a separate case after losing in a jury trial that accuses him of having defrauded Medicare by prescribing powered wheelchairs to patients who did not need them. Meanwhile, based on the Medicare fraud case, the California Medical Board has recommended he permanently be stripped of his license to practice. As with the sexual assault case, that matter is pending and Wijegunaratne is mounting a legal fight.

According to the story on, Federal prosecutors claim Wijegunaratne prescribed powered wheelchairs, at a cost of about $2,800 each, to six patients who did not need them. His chosen medical equipment supplier billed Medicare, got reimbursed and paid the physician kickbacks, according to the feds. According to a U.S. Attorney press release, Wijegoonaratna was a key player in an insurance scam with co-conspirators 48-year-old Heidi Morishita of Valencia, and 49-year-old Godwin Onyeabor of Ontario, who were also found guilty. The scam involved a number of crimes, including illegally prescribing expensive electric wheelchairs to patients who had no need for them, then billing Medicare for more than $1,500,000, in an ongoing insurance theft that began in January, 2007 and last for five years. Investigators were able to prove that Onyeabor, a manager at Fendih Medical Supply in San Bernardino, paid cash kickbacks to Doctor Wijegoonaratna and Morishita in exchange for fraudulent prescriptions for medical equipment, including the wheelchairs, which generally cost more than $6,000 each.

A jury in the spring of 2013 found Wijegunaratne guilty of six counts of health care fraud and two counts of conspiracy. He was sentenced to 27 months in federal prison, but federal appellate judges ruled he did not have to serve the sentence while he appealed the conviction on the grounds he was not likely to flee and did not pose a danger to the community.

For nearly a year, Wijegunaratne had been allowed to stay out of federal prison and practice medicine as he appealed a conviction of defrauding Medicare.He was still licensed to practice medicine, and that’s what he was doing at a medical marijuana clinic in Riverside, where, according to that inland city’s cops and prosecutors, Wijegunaratne allegedly sexually assaulted a woman patient in May. He pleaded not guilty to counts of felony forcible penetration and sexual battery. A Riverside County Superior Court judge just ordered Wijegunaratne to stop practicing medicine until the sexual assault case is resolved. He had to turn over his prescription pads as well.

An Accusation was filed against him by the Office of the Attorney General of California before the Medical Board of California on October 6, 2014. The allegations are based upon the facts giving rise to his federal jury trial and conviction, and seeks revocation of suspension of his physicians and surgeons certificate. One month later, on November 6, 2014, an Order was issued in Superior Court of the State of California, Riverside County Superior Court, Case No. RIF 1403899. Under the Order, as a condition of bail or Own Recognizance release, Sri J. Wijengoonaranta M.D. (Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate Number A-100580) was ordered to cease and desist from the practice of medicine as of November 6, 2014.

Nationwide Study Highlights Claim Adjuster Operational Challenges

Earlier this year, workers’ compensation claims leaders once again participated in a nationwide survey about some of their most pressing operational challenges. Up 57 percent in survey participation from 2013, the confidential results – with insights from over 400 manager, director, and executive-level claims leaders – have now been published in the 2014 Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study Report. Top issues confronting claims organizations involve addressing the rapidly shrinking talent pool, grappling with emerging technology trends, and operationalizing performance measures…all while improving productivity and reducing costs. Strikingly similar to the 2013 Study findings, the 2014 Study reflects an industry facing critical hurdles, many of which are not getting better. Based on 70-plus data points, the 2014 results further quantify how claims organizations focus resources to address these substantial hurdles. Key findings reveal:

1) Challenges measuring best practices within top ranked core competencies
2) Declining investment in current and future talent development
3) Low adoption of disruptive technologies, such as predictive analytics
4) Continued obstacles with claims system integrations
5) Limited use of outcome measures and risk/reward strategies to propel top performance from internal staff, vendor partners and medical providers
6) Observed impact of the Affordable Care Act on claims

The study found broad consensus among respondents about what matters most in claims management. For instance, the top two most valued core competencies are disability management and medical management. However, formal training programs are modest relative to the complexity of these and other tasks. Less than half of respondents provide training to senior level claims staff and a smaller percentage, 42%, invest in training new hires. Among those who have formal training for new hires, 39% say that training ends within three months and another 28% say it ends four to six months post-hire. The majority of respondents say it takes up to four years for new employee investment in training to pay off. Specifically, 32% expect a reasonable ROI within two years and another 44% within three to four years.

The industry has struggled to bring technology tools to the adjuster in a streamlined, user-friendly way. Unfortunately, systems can be very difficult to integrate. A symptom of sub-optimal solutions can be called the “three screen scenario,” wherein adjusters might use three computer screens to access multiple systems throughout the day as they manage streams of phone calls and emails.

Less than a third of respondents say they measure provider performance. This low rate extends across all classes of respondents. When provider performance measures are used, return-to-work outcomes and claim costs are most common, while less than quarter of respondents measure average narcotic use.

Drug Agents Launch Inspections of NFL Teams

Over the weekend, an investigation by the DEA of several NFL teams was triggered by a class-action lawsuit filed in federal court in May by more than 1,300 retired NFL players. In the suit, they allege that NFL medical staffs regularly violate federal and state laws in plying their teams with powerful addictive narcotics such as Percocet and Percodan, sleeping pills such as Ambien and the non-addictive painkiller Toradol to help them play through injuries on game days. Federal law prohibits anyone but a physician or nurse practitioner from distributing prescription drugs, and they must meet myriad regulations for acquiring, storing, labeling and transporting them. It is also illegal for a physician to distribute prescription drugs outside of his geographic area of practice. And it is illegal for trainers to dispense or even handle controlled substances in any way.

According to the report in the Washington Post, drug agents conducted surprise inspections of National Football League team medical staffs on Sunday as part of an ongoing investigation into prescription drug abuse in the league. The inspections, which entailed bag searches and questioning of team doctors by Drug Enforcement Administration agents, were based on the suspicion that NFL teams dispense drugs illegally to keep players on the field in violation of the Controlled Substances Act. The medical staffs were part of travel parties whose teams were playing at stadiums across the country.

The San Francisco 49ers confirmed they were inspected by federal agents following their game against the New York Giants in New Jersey but did not provide any details. “The San Francisco 49ers organization was asked to participate in a random inspection with representatives from the DEA Sunday night at MetLife Stadium,” team spokesman Bob Lange said in an e-mailed statement. “The 49ers medical staff complied and the team departed the stadium as scheduled.” An NFL official said multiple teams met with federal authorities on Sunday. “Our teams cooperated with the DEA today and we have no information to indicate that irregularities were found,” league spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement.

The class action lawsuit led by former stars Jim McMahon and Richard Dent, filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco alleges the league illegally supplied them with painkillers to conceal injuries and mask pain. The players say addictive drugs were administered without proper prescriptions, in illegal doses, without medical supervision and with little or no explanation of risks and dangers. “Rather than allowing players the opportunity to rest and heal, the NFL has illegally and unethically substituted pain medications for proper health care to keep the NFL’s tsunami of dollars flowing,” the complaint reads. The lawsuit alleges that dependency on pain medication outlasts football careers. One plaintiff, J.D. Hill, an NFL wide receiver from 1971 to ’79, says after he retired from football, he “was forced to purchase [drugs] on the streets to deal with his football-related pain” and eventually became homeless.

The NFL reached an agreement last year to settle concussion-related litigation with former players. Many of these former players also filed concussion related workers’ compensation claims in California. The league now faces this new courtroom challenge. Worker’s compensation defense attorneys also expect claims based upon the new pain medication allegations. The surprise DEA investigations may shed some light on the current practices.

Orange County Corrections Officer Faces 17 Year Sentence

An Orange County employee was arraigned for committing insurance fraud and perjury by making false statements and concealing information related to his worker’s compensation claim.

William Parker, 43, Corona, is charged with 15 felony counts of insurance fraud, four felony counts of making a fraudulent statement, two felony counts of attempted perjury under oath, and one felony count of perjury by declaration. If convicted, Parker faces a maximum sentence of 17 years and six months in state prison. Parker is being held on $50,000 bail.

On June 4, 2005, Parker was hired by the Orange County Probation Department (OCPD) as a Deputy Juvenile Corrections Officer. On Oct. 5, 2007, Parker was involved in a non-work related motor vehicle accident which caused injuries to his back and resulted in loss of time from work. Parker filed an insurance claim as a result of that automobile accident and received a settlement.

On Sept. 28, 2010, Parker claimed he suffered a back injury while working for the OCPD. Parker filed a Worker’s Compensation Claim and was taken off work by his treating doctors after the county accepted the claim. Parker did not return to work until late February 2013 when he returned as an Office Specialist due to his claimed injuries.

In February 2012, Parker filed a lawsuit against a citizen for personal injuries where the defendant claimed injuries to his back after sustaining another motor vehicle accident. During the pendency of this lawsuit, Parker is accused of making material misrepresentations and perjuring himself during his depositions and in his responses to interrogatories.

Between 2010 and 2013, Parker was treated by various doctors as a result of his claim. While being treated by doctors, Parker is accused of denying and failing to disclose the prior injuries about his back.

Deputy District Attorney Pam Leitao of the Insurance Fraud Unit is prosecuting this case.

Commissioner Adopts 2015 Comp Premium Increase

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones adopted an advisory average pure premium rate of $2.74 per $100 of employer payroll for workers’ compensation rates effective January 1, 2015. The adopted amount is a 2.2% increase, but lower than that proposed by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB). The WCIRB’s proposed advisory average rate was $2.77 per $100 of payroll. After a public hearing and careful review of the testimony and evidence submitted, the Department of Insurance recommended adoption of a pure premium rate amount lower than the WCIRB on the basis that a greater reduction in medical losses should be used in the actuarial model due to the anticipated savings from SB 863 (De León) signed in 2012.

The WCIRB’s proposed advisory average pure premium rate is 7.9 percent ($2.77 per $100 of payroll) above the industry’s average filed rates as of July 1, 2014 and the adopted pure premium rate ($2.74 per $100 of payroll) is 6.7 percent above the industry’s average filed rates as of July 1, 2014.

Commissioner Jones, the WCIRB and the public members’ actuary all agree that the overall impact of SB 863 continues to result in savings for the workers’ compensation system. The California Department of Insurance continues to observe that medical and indemnity losses are outpacing wage growth and consequently, the average advisory pure premium will increase in 2015.

The commissioner’s pure premium decision is advisory only. Pursuant to California law, the commissioner does not set or have authority over workers’ compensation insurance rates. The commissioner’s advisory pure premium rate is not predictive of what an individual insurance company may charge its policyholders because the review of pure premium rates is just one component of insurance pricing.

DWC Posts More Changes to EDI Implementation Guide

The Division of Workers’ Compensation has made further changes to its California EDI Implementation Guide, Version 2.0, pursuant to revision of the Workers’ Compensation Information System (WCIS) regulations. The changes are subject to an additional public comment period of 15 days. The comment period will close on November 28, 2014.

The California legislature enacted sweeping reforms to California’s workers’ compensation system in 1993. The legislature directed the DWC to put together comprehensive information about workers’ compensation in California. The result is the WCIS. The WCIS has four components: the First Reports of Injury (FROI) reporting guidelines were implemented March 1, 2000. The Subsequent Reports of Injury (SROI) reporting guidelines were implemented July 1, 2000. Reporting of annual summary of benefits began January 31, 2001

Medical bill payment reporting regulations were adopted on March 22, 2006. The regulations require medical bill payment records for services with a date of service on or after September 22, 2006 and a date of injury on or after March 1, 2000 to be transmitted to the DWC. The medical services are required to be reported to the WCIS by all claims administrators handling 150 or more total claims per year.

California workers’ compensation medical bill payment records are processed by diverse organizations: large multi-state insurance companies, smaller specialty insurance carriers, self-insured employers or insurers, third-party administrators handling claims on behalf of self-insured employers, as well as bill review companies. The organizations have widely differing technological capabilities, so the WCIS is designed to be as flexible as possible in supporting EDI medical transmissions. EDI is the computer-to-computer exchange of data or information in a standardized format. In California, workers’ compensation, medical EDI refers to the electronic transmission of detailed medical bill payment records information from trading partners, i.e., senders, to the California DWC.

The DWC incorporated the primarily technical changes to the California EDI Implementation Guide, Version 2.0 proposed by members of the workers’ compensation community, including these new proposed changes:

1) Adding a table showing California-adopted IK4 error codes for 999 acknowledgements
2) Editing the California Edit Matrix table to correspond to entries in the IK4 error code for 999 acknowledgements table
3) Further clarifying procedures for reporting lump-sum lien settlement payment data.

The DWC believes that these updates will allow WCIS to collect more robust and useful data that will assist with research regarding workers’ compensation issues. The notice and text of the regulations can be found on the proposed regulations page.

Cal/OSHA Fines Fuel Distributor Nearly $100 K For Fatal Explosion.

Cal/OSHA has cited fuel distribution company National Distribution Services Inc. (NDS) $99,345 following an investigation into an explosion at the company’s Corona facility that killed one employee and left another with severe burns. The owner of the company has been previously cited for similar incidents.

On May 6, 2014, two employees attempted welding operations on a 9,000-gallon tanker truck containing an unknown amount of crude oil. The tank had not been purged or tested for flammable vapors, resulting in the explosion. Samuel Enciso, 52, was a welder who had been with NDS for four years. He was found dead on the floor of the facility with his right hand and lower arm completely severed. A second employee with five years of experience suffered burns to more than 50 percent of his body.

Investigators from the San Bernardino Cal/OSHA District Office determined that NDS contributed to this incident by failing to have required safety procedures in place for working with flammable vapors. Additionally, investigators found that NDS failed to train employees on the dangers of welding near combustible materials.

“California requires employers to have and adhere to an Injury and Illness Prevention Program” said Christine Baker, Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Cal/OSHA, formally known as the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, is a division of DIR. “This preventable death is a reminder of what can happen when that requirement is ignored,” said Baker.

While investigating the May 6 event, investigators learned about a previous explosion at the Corona facility that occurred under similar circumstances, and involved the same two NDS employees. On September 25, 2012, the lid of a fuel tanker blew through the ceiling of the repair facility after the employees commenced welding on a truck filled with flammable vapors. No injuries occurred on that date.

The owner of NDS, Carl Bradley Johansson, served prison time following a previous similar incident. In the 1990s, Johansson operated a business in Montebello known as Atlas Bulk Carriers. On September 27, 1993 there was an explosion involving welding operations on a fuel tanker that had also not been purged or tested. This incident also took the life of a welder employed by the company. Atlas Bulk Carriers was cited by Cal/OSHA for this incident.

FDA Approves Customized Spine Implant

The California workers’ compensation community recently learned of questions raised about the authenticity of surgical screws used in spine implants at various hospitals in Southern California as a result of litigation brought by claimants who claim they received counterfeit hardware implants. The topic of questioning the manufacturing credentials of medical suppliers is now proving to potentially have significant benefits in claims administration strategies. It may be important to know more about what is at the forefront of implant technologies so that better treatment choices can be made. Unfortunately, the UR/IMR process typically answers the question “should someone have a surgery?” but typically omits answering the question “what brands of surgical implant devices are the best choice for the job?” To add to our knowledge about the surgical implant industry, here is some news about the latest surgical products recently approved by the FDA for spine surgeries.

The MEDICREA group, a company that specializes in the development of personalized implants produced for a patient’s specific need in the treatment of spinal pathologies, has announced the company has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for UNiD, the world’s first patient-specific spinal osteosynthesis rod. The technology will be premiered at the 2014 North American Spine Society (NASS) Annual Meeting taking place on November 12-15 in San Francisco. The first U.S. patient underwent surgery to have personalized UNiD rods implanted earlier this month in New York.

UNiD is the first patient-specific device cleared to treat degenerative spine conditions including scoliosis and other type of deformities. According to the National Scoliosis Foundation, an estimated six million people in the U.S. have scoliosis. Each year scoliosis patients make more than 600,000 visits to private physician offices, and an estimated 38,000 patients undergo spinal fusion surgery. Adult spinal deformity surgery is likely to increase in frequency with as much as 32 percent of the adult population suffering from scoliosis and a prevalence of 60 percent among the elderly. Hospital costs of adult spinal deformity surgery can exceed $100,000 per patient. Revisions and reoperations place a large financial burden on the health care system – increasing the average cost of adult spinal deformity surgery by more than 70 percent.

UNiD patient-specific rods are universal implants available in two alloys (Titanium TA6V ELI/Cobalt Chromium) and two diameters (5.5 mm/6 mm), that match global standards. UNiD naturally fits into the PASS LP® thoraco-lumbar fixation system. The PASS LP® system is already used by numerous spine surgeons in 35 countries, and notably in the United States where this product accounts for the majority of MEDICREA USA Corporation’s sales. MEDICREA’s customized spine implant platform also includes the UNiD anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) spine cages created with a 3-D printer. With the support of specific software and advanced imaging, the UNiDTM ALIF customized cages made of Poly Ether Ketone Ketone (PEKK) exactly reproduce the anatomic details of a patient’s vertebral endplates. The world’s first spinal fusion surgery using the UNiD ALIF customized 3-D printed spine cages was performed on May 28, 2014 in France.

UNiDTM features a software tool to help surgeons preoperatively plan their surgery and order customized, industrially-produced rods to fit the specific spinal alignment needed for each individual patient. UNiDTM eliminates the need to manually contour a rod during surgery, providing surgeons with a precisely aligned rod prior to surgery and reducing the amount of time patients spend in the operating room, which directly impacts infection rate and quality of recovery.

The customized rod, according to the manufacturer, claims to offer numerous benefits to surgeons and patients undergoing spine surgery. The primary benefit is it allows surgeons to plan and then execute their operating strategy without compromises or approximation errors. Surgeons can improve their success rate in terms of global sagittal patient alignment, and reduce the risk of spinal implant failure.