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Author: WorkCompAcademy

Mileage Rate Increases to 57.5 Cents Per Mile in January

The Division of Workers’ Compensation announced the increase of the mileage rate for medical and medical-legal travel expenses by one and one-half cent to 57.5 cents per mile effective January 1, 2015.

This rate must be paid for travel on or after January 1, 2015 regardless of the date of injury. Labor Code section 4600, in conjunction with Government Code section 19820 and the Department of Personnel Administration regulations, establishes the rate payable for mileage reimbursement for medical and medical-legal expenses and ties it to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

IRS Bulletin Number IR-2014-114 dated December 10, 2014 announced the rate increase. The updated mileage reimbursement form is posted on the DWC website.

CSHWC Unanimously Elects Sean McNally as Chair

The California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation (CHSWC) has announced the unanimous election of Commissioner Sean McNally as the Chair of the Commission for 2015.

Mr. McNally, appointed by the Governor to represent employers, is the President of KBA Engineering in Bakersfield, California. He has been certified by the State Bar of California as a specialist in workers’ compensation law. He is a licensed general contractor and serves as a trustee for the Self Insurer’s Security Fund. His community activities include serving on the Board of Directors of the Golden Empire Gleaners and the Board of Trustees for Garces Memorial High School. He is the past Vice President of Corporate and Government Affairs as well as past Vice President of Human Resources for Grimmway Farms.

He is a graduate of the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and was a partner at the law firm of Hanna, Brophy, MacLean, McAleer and Jensen. He graduated from the University of San Francisco with Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Theology. Following that, he did graduate studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem Israel.

CHSWC, created by the workers’ compensation reform legislation of 1993, is charged with examining the health and safety and workers’ compensation systems in California and recommending administrative or legislative modifications to improve their operation. CHSWC was established to conduct a continuing examination of the workers’ compensation system and of the state’s activities to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases and to examine those programs in other states.

The DIR has posted a CHSWC Historical Timeline on its website to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation. The CHSWC timeline is part of the concurrent celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), and the 40th anniversary of Cal/OSHA

Kitchen Worker Arrested for Working on TTD

Fernando Gallegos, 43, of Los Angeles, was arrested for allegedly collecting workers’ compensation benefits for one job while still working another. Gallegos faces five felony counts of workers’ compensation fraud and one felony count of perjury.

“Workers’ compensation fraud is not a victimless crime. The cost of fraud losses are passed along to business and then to consumers through higher costs for goods and services,” said Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. “Anyone who lies to collect unearned benefits and takes advantage of the system is stealing from all Californians.”

Gallegos was allegedly injured while working in a commercial kitchen and claimed the injury made it impossible for him to work. An investigation by the California Department of Insurance revealed that Gallegos was actually employed at two restaurants performing the very job duties he claimed he was unable to perform.

Gallegos received workers’ compensation benefits of $8,890 over a nine-month period. During this time, he perjured himself at a deposition by failing to report his other jobs. He also lied to his doctors by claiming he was too injured to work. Gallegos continued to collect benefits while he worked for two different restaurants while double-dipping to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

This case is being prosecuted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Bail for Gallegos is set at $30,000.

DWC Posts IMR Progress Report

The Department of Industrial Relations and its Division of Workers’ Compensation posted a progress report on the department’s implementation of Independent Medical Review, one of the most important provisions of Senate Bill 863. Independent Medical Review (IMR) is the medical dispute resolution process that uses medical expertise to obtain consistent, evidence-based decisions.

The “2014 Report on Independent Medical Review” describes the successful implementation of IMR and provides an analysis of data gathered since the process took effect on July 1, 2013. “SB 863 sought to replace a broken medical review process with one where injured workers receive timely care based on the best medical evidence,” said Labor Secretary David Lanier. “Fewer delays and vastly less litigation are better for injured workers and employers. This report shows we are on the right track.”

“Making evidence-based treatment the foundation for decisions about care was a significant change,” added DIR Director Christine Baker. “We are now seeing the tangible benefits of IMR and can expect further improvement to the process.”

Highlights of the report include the following:
1) First year numbers: In 2013, 73,282 IMR applications were filed, of which 22 percent were found to be ineligible; 3,723 IMR determinations were issued and contained on average two treatment requests per decision. IMR upheld 84 percent of UR decisions in 2013.
2) A considerable increase in the number of applications starting in the latter half of 2013 posed challenges to issuing timely determinations. Process changes resulted in IMR decisions being issued in a timely manner by October 2014.
3) Costs: The costs of IMR were reduced by 25 percent in April 2014.
4) Claims data: More than half of workers’ compensation claims as well as IMR applications came from the top 10 claims administrators

Dr. Rupali Das, DWC Medical Director, said, “this report demonstrates the great progress made in resolving medical necessity disputes affecting injured workers.” She added, “DWC will continue to collect information and monitor the results to make ongoing improvements to the program.”

Other findings:
1) Nearly a third of IMR applications as well as workers’ compensation claims originated from the Los Angeles area.
2) Most physician reviewers who provided decisions in 2013 were licensed in California.
3) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Occupational Medicine specialists issued the majority of IMR determinations.
4) IMR decisions were primarily evidence-based and relied on the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule or other clinical guidelines.
5) Nearly half of IMR treatment requests were for pharmaceuticals, most commonly opioids.

The progress report is posted on the DIR website.

Robert Shlens M.D. Dies at 79

Those of us who have been in workers’ compensation for many decades will recall the San Fernando Valley orthopedic surgeon, Robert Dale Shlens M.D.  He passed away on December 5 from Pancreatic Cancer at age 79.

He contracted paralytic poliomyelitis at age 10, the year before the Salk Vaccine became available. He spent the next 9 months in an “Iron Lung” breathing machine. He was informed that he would not be able to walk again due to the severity of his permanent paralysis. With multiple surgeries to align his limbs and a severe scoliosis of his spine, he became ambulatory using braces and crutches.

He completed his high school education while hospitalized for his multiple surgeries and spinal fusion at Warm Springs Georgia, where President Franklin Roosevelt was treated. He attended Indiana University and after completing his undergraduate degree with honors, he applied to the medical school. He was declined admission initially because of his physical disabilities. He persisted until he was admitted to the Indiana University School of Medicine.

After internship he applied for residency training in Orthopedic Surgery. The programs that he applied to indicated this specialty was beyond his capacity because of his physical limitations. Orthopedic Hospital at Los Angeles hired a new staff surgeon from the Warm Springs Georgia Polio Center, Doctor Thomas Gucker. Doctor Gucker had been the lead physician who had operated on Dr. Shlens as a child, performing the multiple reconstructive surgeries. Dr. Gucker was instrumental in persuading Orthopedic Hospital to admit Dr. Shlens to the Orthopedic Surgery Residency Program.

Doctor Shlens completed his training and became Board Certified in Orthopedic Surgery. He practiced for 50 years in Los Angeles using Orthopedic Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital and St. Vincent Medical Center for his patients.

Doctor Shlens started the first audio tape educational programs for orthopedic surgeons through the Orthopedic Audio Synopsis Foundation. He also started a certification board for Arthroscopic Surgery with the assistance of the Princeton Testing Service. His passion for optimal medical care led him to his reviewing hospitals for the California Medical Board. He was instrumental in helping to close substandard hospitals by testifying in front of the U. S. Congress.

He is survived by his daughter, Jennifer Fey; son, Jonathon Shlens and a grandson, Peter Alexander Fey. He also leaves behind his companion, Buffy Lyn Roney, and his brother, Michael Shlens MD.

He established a scholarship for medical students with physical disabilities at Indiana University. Contributions can be made in his honor to the Shlens Scholarship Program by contacting Indiana University School of Medicine, Office of Gift Development, 1110 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-5100.

Juliann Sum Appointed Cal/OSHA Chief

Juliann Sum has been appointed by Governor Brown as chief of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA). Sum has served as acting Cal/OSHA chief since September 2013. Prior to that, she was a special advisor to Christine Baker, director of the state’s Department of Industrial Relations, which oversees Cal/OSHA.

“I am grateful for the opportunity as division chief to maintain and enhance safe workplaces and practices for workers and employers in California,” says Ms. Sum. “We will continue to consistently enforce Cal/OSHA standards, develop new standards based on scientific data and practical experience, and collaborate with labor and management organizations.”

In 2014, Ms. Sum established a hiring task force to facilitate filling Cal/OSHA vacancies and enabling senior staff at the division to mentor new hires before retiring. She has also strengthened the training of field staff and managers, providing them with core classes in accident investigation, citation writing, case review and legal appeals. During her tenure as acting chief, Ms. Sum also initiated efforts to encourage more immediate correction of workplace safety hazards. Last month she led the division’s effort to finalize and publish specific guidance to protect workers in healthcare settings from exposure to the Ebola virus and other infectious diseases.

Ms. Sum, who joined DIR in 2012 as special advisor, was designated acting chief in September 2013. Previously, she served from 1994 to 2012 as project director with the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at the University of California, Berkeley, and attorney and industrial hygienist with the Labor Occupational Health Program.

Owner of Security Company Gets 40 Days in Jail

A 41-year-old Salinas man was sentenced Thursday to five years’ probation and 40 days in the Monterey County Jail, according to the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office.

Alberto Hernandez was previously convicted of grand theft, willfully failing to file payroll tax returns with intent to evade taxes, failure to secure workers’ compensation insurance and violating the private patrol operator provisions. Hernandez owns Salinas Valley Private Security, a private patrol operation that provides security for businesses and special events.

In February 2013, investigators from the DA’s Workers’ Compensation Unit, the California Department of Insurance, the Employment Development Department and the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services conducted a joint operation. They targeted employers allegedly out of compliance with California Labor Code regulations regarding workers’ compensation insurance. While investigating SVPS, investigators said they discovered Hernandez had been in operation since 2007 and stopped purchasing workers’ compensation insurance in 2011. Further, he had been collecting employees’ payroll tax deductions but hadn’t reported all wages. Hernandez also hadn’t turned those deductions over to the EDD since 2008.

In addition to jail and probation, Hernandez was ordered to pay more than $30,000 in fines and a combined $93,153.10 in restitution to the EDD and the Franchise Tax Board.

Investigators included Martin Sanchez and George Costa, with the DA’s Office, CDI Detective Royce Armstrong and BSIS Investigator Laura Jestes.

Former Bridezilla Faces 14 Felonies

A woman who appeared on the reality TV series “Bridezillas” has surrendered to authorities on 14 felony counts of insurance fraud.

Anita Maxwell, 55, surrendered herself to the Superior Court of California, Division 30 in Los Angeles County on 14 felony counts associated with insurance fraud. A California Department of Insurance investigation revealed that Maxwell, featured in season four of the reality series “Bridezillas”, allegedly submitted fraudulent documents and made false claims to receive more than $40,000 in undeserved workers’ compensation benefits. She was also the only Bridezilla to have been left at the altar.

The department’s investigation began in 2012 after Maxwell claimed she injured her neck, back, and shoulder while assisting a patient as a clinical partner. While out on workers’ compensation, Maxwell allegedly lied to her doctor, denying she had prior injuries to her neck, back and shoulder. The investigation also revealed Maxwell had multiple prior injuries dating back to 1990. Prior to the 2012claim, Maxwell received $20,000 from similar workers’ compensation claims. Upon learning of the prior injuries Maxwell’s doctor said he would have changed the apportionment and disability amounts to reflect the past trauma, lowering her claim to only 25 percent related to her work injury.

In addition to lying about her injuries, Maxwell allegedly submitted false mileage forms for her supposed travel to and from doctors and physical therapy appointments. Surveillance conducted during the investigation showed Maxwell on more than a dozen occasions commuting to her appointments from a different location than the one she reported to her insurer. The fraudulent mileage forms submitted resulted in over $5,000 in undeserved mileage reimbursement.

This case will be prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

Back Brace No Help With Compression Fractures

Compression fractures in the spine due to osteoporosis, a common condition causing progressive bone loss and increased fracture risk, are especially common in older women. A new study appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) found that patients who wore a brace as treatment for a spinal compression fracture had comparable outcomes in terms of pain, function and healing when compared to patients who did not wear a brace.

Nearly 700,000 men and women suffer from a spinal compression fracture each year. These fractures, which for the most part are stable fractures occurring on the front or anterior of the spine, are nearly twice as common as other fractures typically linked to osteoporosis such as broken hips and wrists. Women are at greater risk with more than 30 percent age 70 or older suffering at least one osteoporosis-related spinal fracture. Many patients with these fractures are instructed to wear a soft or rigid brace to stabilize the spine with the intent of reducing pain and preventing further deterioration and collapse of the fracture site.

However, patients often find the braces uncomfortable, and as a result, do not wear the braces consistently. In addition, prolonged use may result in muscular atrophy (muscle deterioration due to lack of use), deconditioning, skin irritation, as well as additional costs and delays in rehabilitation. In a Korean study, 60 patients (age 65 and older) with acute osteoporotic compression fractures were randomly assigned within three days of injury to wear a soft brace, a rigid brace or no brace. Outcomes then were measured at 12 weeks using Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scoring, a common method for determining levels of pain and mobility in orthopaedic patients.

The overall ODI Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) scores that measure lower back pain and anterior (front) body compression ratios (the length of the spine) did not differ significantly among the groups after 12 weeks. The ODI and VAS scores for back pain significantly improved with time after the fractures, and the body compression ratios significantly decreased with time in all three groups.There was no difference in the compression ratio, as seen on radiographic image; general health status; and patient satisfaction rates among the three groups.

“In addition to the cost and discomfort associated with braces, the findings in this study suggest that brace treatment for osteoporotic compression fractures may not provide any additional improvement in fracture healing, mobility and pain,” said Ho-Joong Kim, MD, PhD, orthopaedic surgeon and assistant professor, Seoul National University College of Medicine. “Moreover, the gradual deterioration in life quality, including mental and social wellbeing, associated with this condition reemphasizes the need for prevention of osteoporotic compression and other fractures,” said Dr. Kim.

LA Physician Gets Jail Time in Fraud Case

A Los Angeles-area physician whose referrals led to more than $1.7 million in fraudulent Medicare billings was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison for his role in a conspiracy to defraud Medicare related to medically unnecessary power wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment.

Charles Okoye, a 52-year-old Carson resident who formerly operated a medical clinic in South Los Angeles, was sentenced by United States District Court Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald, who also ordered the defendant to pay $931,118 in restitution. Okoye pleaded guilty in August and admitted that he referred Medicare beneficiaries to a Gardena durable medical equipment supply company for power wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment (DME). These beneficiaries had been recruited by employees of Adelco Medical Distributors, Inc. and taken to see Okoye for a single, cursory examination, after which Okoye made the referrals to Adelco.

Adelco’s owner, Adeline Ekwebelem, paid Okoye an illegal kickback for every referral, and then billed Medicare more than $1.7 million for providing the DME, which the beneficiaries did not need or want and often never used. Medicare paid Adelco more than $820,000 on those claims. Ekwebelem was found guilty in September of conspiracy to commit health care fraud, health care fraud, and the payment of illegal kickbacks. Judge Fitzgerald is scheduled to sentence Ekwebelem on January 15.

Okoye admitted that he engaged in a similar unlawful arrangement with another DME company, Esteem Medical Supply.

As a result of his guilty plea and conviction, Okoye’s medical license will likely be suspended for at least three years, and he will likely lose his ability to bill Medicare and Medi-Cal for patient services in the future. The investigation into Okoye, Ekwebelem, and others involved with Adelco’s fraudulent scheme to defraud Medicare was conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.