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Author: WorkCompAcademy

L.A. Transportation Company Owner Faces 10 years in Fraud Case

The owners and supervisor of Alpha Ambulance Inc. (Alpha), a now-defunct Los Angeles-area ambulance transportation company, have pleaded guilty in connection with an ambulance fraud scheme.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Mythili Raman of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney André Birotte, Jr. of the Central District of California; Special Agent in Charge Glenn R. Ferry of the Los Angeles Region of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS-OIG); and Assistant Director in Charge Bill L. Lewis of the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office made the announcement.

Alex Kapri, aka Alex Kapriyelov or Alexander Kapriyelov, 56; Aleksey Muratov, aka Russ Muratov, 32; and Danielle Hartsell Medina, 36, pleaded guilty on October 28, 2013, before U.S. District Court Judge Audrey B. Collins in the Central District of California to conspiracy to commit health care fraud. They face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison when they are sentenced on February 24, 2014.

Kapri and Muratov were owners and operators of Alpha, an ambulance transportation company that operated in the greater Los Angeles area and that specialized in the provision of non-emergency ambulance transportation services to Medicare-eligible beneficiaries, primarily dialysis patients. Medina was employed by Alpha and ultimately supervised the training and education of its employees.

According to court documents, Kapri, Muratov, and Medina knowingly provided non-emergency ambulance transportation services to Medicare beneficiaries whose medical condition at that time did not require those services. With Kapri’s knowledge, Muratov and Medina instructed certain Alpha employees to conceal the Medicare beneficiaries’ medical conditions by altering requisite paperwork and creating fraudulent reasons that justified, on paper, the transportation services. Based on these medically unnecessary transportation services, the defendants caused Alpha to submit false and fraudulent claims to Medicare.

Additionally, as the defendants were submitting false and fraudulent claims to Medicare, Medicare notified Alpha the company would be subject to a Medicare audit. In response to this notice, Muratov and Medina instructed Alpha employees – with Kapri’s knowledge – to alter requisite paperwork and create fraudulent reasons that justified, on paper, transportation services for the beneficiaries identified as the subject of Medicare’s audit.

From at least June 2008 through at least July 2012, Alpha submitted more than $49 million in claims for ambulance transportation services. As a result, Medicare paid Alpha more than $13 million for these claims, many of which were false and fraudulent.

The case was investigated by the FBI and HHS-OIG and was brought as part of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, under the supervision of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California. This case was prosecuted by Trial Attorneys Blanca Quintero and Alexander F. Porter and Assistant Chief O. Benton Curtis, III.

States Grapple With Dangerous Treatment From Fake Doctors

This month Swiss customs agents seized one million fake tablets of anti-anxiety drug Xanax at the Zurich airport. The story was one incident, of a growing international problem surrounding fake prescription medications reaching the hands of innocent consumers. So, this incident would raise questions about what else might be fake in health care delivery? Is there a problem with fake doctors?

On July 1, 2000, the California Medical Board was given the authority for four investigator positions that established the Operation Safe Medicine (OSM) unit whose sole purpose was to investigate complaints of unlicensed medical activity. This unit also worked with other regulatory and law enforcement agencies to find unlicensed facilities. The Board summarized the performance of OSM in the 2012 Sunset Review Report to the California Legislature. The Report said that the volume and seriousness of the cases thus far investigated by OSM underscores the importance of this unit. Cases that staff investigated include the unlicensed practice of midwifery (result: conviction); a subject stealing the identity of a physician assistant and forging documents (felony charges filed); the unlicensed practice of medicine resulting in burns to a patient from a cosmetic procedure (felony charges filed); and a myriad of other violations of law. OSM has developed such an excellent reputation as a group of highly skilled, specialized and effective investigators of unlicensed practice . It is now receiving referrals from other law enforcement agencies, including the Orange County and Los Angeles County District Attorney’s offices.  The Report highlighted some examples of fake doctors.

The San Jose office investigated an unlicensed individual who was performing hemorrhoid surgery and almost killed a man when his colon was perforated with a prong.

In the San Francisco area, an unlicensed individual, Carlos Guzmangarza, 49, performed liposuction in an unsanitary office while smoking a cigar and not wearing gloves. The victim held her own IV bag because there was no assistant. Board investigators executed a search and arrest warrant . The subject was charged with over 35 felonies. Guzmangarza assumed the identity of a physician assistant who shared a similar name and ran Derma Clinic, a dermatology office on Mission Street in San Francisco. After an initial round of press coverage spurred additional victims to come forward, prosecutors filed amended charges against him. They included practicing medicine without a license, false impersonation, identity theft, rape and grand theft.

In the San Jose area, a disbarred attorney was practicing medicine at Shiny Toes clinics in San Francisco and San Ramon using a laser to cure toenail fungus. One child’s toenails fell off because of the treatment. Search and arrest warrants were served. The subject was convicted of 19 felonies. Cary Silberman was sentenced to four years and eight months on charges of practicing medicine without a license

In the Pleasant Hill office, an unlicensed individual was convicted after injecting an unknown substance into the faces of female victims, causing permanent disfigurement.

In the San Jose area, an unlicensed individual was convicted and is serving seven years in prison for performing face lifts with Exacto knives.

Other cases investigated by the unit have focused on vendors selling “big eye” contact lenses in Los Angeles. The lenses are popular in Asia and make the iris of the eye appear larger, but they can also cause eye damage.

Other states have had a similar problem. William Hamman  shared millions in grants, had university and hospital posts, and bragged of work for prestigious medical groups. An Associated Press story featured him leading a teamwork training session at an American College of Cardiology convention. He duped hospitals, universities and even the AMA. But it turns out Hamman isn’t a cardiologist or even a doctor. The AP found he had no medical residency, fellowship, doctoral degree or the 15 years of clinical experience he claimed. He attended medical school for a few years but withdrew and didn’t graduate. Ernest Addo stole a physician’s identity and pretended to be a doctor for a year in South Carolina.  He was hired as a general practitioner and provided the kind of exams patients would receive during a visit to the family doctor. Authorities said he also wrote prescriptions, including some for himself.  also worked as a contract doctor for the South Carolina Department of Mental Health, filling in for a doctor on medical leave.  After he made a small mistake on a death certificate. South Carolina health officials trying to fix the error contacted the doctor Addo was impersonating. He told them he hadn’t practiced medicine for a year in the state. This month an Annapolis woman was accused of faking medical license and treating pediatric patients.  The Huffington Post has a page of fake doctor stories.

It would seem prudent claims practice in this climate to check and double check the identity and licensure of unknown treating physicians.  The Medical Board of California website allows public access to license information and is a good starting point.  Other professions such as chiropractors, and psychologists can similarly have license status verified online.

FDA Released Strategic Plan to Combat Drug Shortages

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking two actions to further enhance the agency’s ongoing efforts to prevent and resolve drug shortages, a significant public health threat that can delay, and in some cases even deny, critical care for patients. Following the President’s 2011 Executive Order on reducing drug shortages, the number of new shortages in 2012 was 117, down from 251 in 2011.

The FDA released a strategic plan called for in the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) of 2012 to improve the agency’s response to imminent or existing shortages, and for longer term approaches for addressing the underlying causes of drug shortages. The plan also highlights opportunities for drug manufacturers and others to prevent drug shortages by promoting and sustaining quality manufacturing.

Second, the FDA issued a proposed rule requiring all manufacturers of certain medically important prescription drugs to notify the FDA of a permanent discontinuance or a temporary interruption of manufacturing likely to disrupt their supply. The rule also extends this requirement to manufacturers of medically important biologic products. The proposed rule implements the expanded early notification requirements included in FDASIA.

“The complex issue of drug shortages continues to be a high priority for the FDA, and early notification is a critical tool that helps mitigate or prevent looming shortages,” said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). “The FDA continues to take all steps it can within its authority, but the FDA alone cannot solve shortages. Success depends upon a commitment from all stakeholders.”

Most drug shortages are the result of quality control problems. The agency said it plans to work with manufacturers to fix such problems and “encourage” them to engage in practices that could avoid or mitigate shortages.

The FDA recommended that companies, among other things, design programs to ensure supply is available in the event of a shortage. It also recommended companies build up inventory before major manufacturing changes and that they communicate with contract manufacturers to anticipate problems.

The agency said it cannot require companies to build in extra manufacturing capacity to guard against shortages, or order a company to make a product if it is not profitable, but it invited “other stakeholders” to consider how to reward high manufacturing standards.

Vons and Super A Foods Launch Work Comp Carve-Out Program

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is pleased to announce a Carve-out Agreement between seven Southern California United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) local unions, Vons and Super A Foods. The agreement covers an estimated 20,000 workers in the region. These workers increase the total California workforce covered by such programs over 55 percent. There are a total of 32 active Labor-Management Carve-out agreements in California, eleven of them active Labor Code 3201.7 Non-Construction Carve-out programs.

Carve-out programs allow employers and unionized workforces to create their own alternatives for workers’ compensation benefit delivery and dispute resolution under a collective bargaining agreement. Since 2004 carve-out programs in California have handled over 25,000 injured workers’ claims . Eligibility of parties to participate in a program must be approved by the administrative director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

With Senate Bill (SB) 983 (Chapter 117, Statutes of 1993), the California Legislature established the “Construction Carve-Out Program” under Labor Code section 3201.5. In doing so, it permitted employers, groups of employers, and employee organizations involved in the construction industry to use collective bargaining as a way to create alternatives to the traditional workers’ compensation dispute resolution process. The passage of SB 228 (Chapter 639, Statutes of 2003) amended Labor Code section 3201.7 to allow non-construction employers, groups of employers, and employee organizations to participate in carve-out programs. In 2013 SB 863 added “The State of California” to industries that can establish carve-outs.

Disputes between employers and injured workers over benefits under the carve-out program are generally heard in arbitration and/or mediation. In 2011, carve-out programs reported resolving 19 claims using litigation. Fourteen claims were resolved at mediation, one at arbitration, four at the WCAB, and none at the Court of Appeals. Of the litigated claims, non-construction programs litigated only four claims at mediation; the rest were litigated by construction carve-outs

The requirements to participate and the elements required to be in carve-out programs are contained in Labor Code section 3201.5 for the construction industry and Labor Code section 3201.7 for all other industries, as well as California Code of Regulations, title 8, sections 10200 – 10204 . Reports covering prior years o f the program, which has been in force for construction trades since 1993 and for non – construction workforces since 2004 are available on DWC’s informational page.

DWC Schedules Free Online IMR Webinar for November 5

There remains a great number of unanswered questions about the IMR process. Now there is a convenient opportunity to answer some of these questions.The DWC has scheduled a free webinar on the Independent Medical Review Electronic Submission Feature on Tuesday, Nov. 5 , 2013 from 10 AM to 12 PM. The DWC and Maximus Federal Services invite claims administrators and others to attend a two-hour web training on the Independent Medical Review ( IMR ) process .

This webinar provides attendees with a working concept for the planned IMR electronic submission feature. Space is limited and pre-registration is required to attend this free webinar meeting. The meeting will use the GoToMeeting web platform. Thus, claims administrators across the country can attend provided they have a suitable computer and web access.

DWC and Maximus Federal Services will also address questions that relate to the current IMR process during the webinar. Please submit questions prior to the webinar by sending an email to no later than Friday , Nov. 1 , 2013.

Court of Appeal Partially Reverses Injured Worker’s FEHA Claim Against School District

Scott Lowery was employed as a heating and air conditioning technician in the HVAC department of Pierce College in Woodland Hills. On March 1, 2006, Lowery experienced sharp pain in his lower back during a two-day project fitting sound-deadening panels on electrical generating equipment, a task that required lifting and prolonged and repetitive squatting. Lowery filed a worker’s compensation claim form for his March 1, 2006 back injury. After working for the next eighteen months with varying degrees of accommodation for his inability to lift heavy tools and equipment and to work in difficult positions and locations, the employer placed the technician on disability leave, to which he was entitled under his collective bargaining agreement.

In 2007 Dr. Grahek the PTP, gave permanent work restrictions of no bending, kneeling, or squatting that causes pain, and no lifting over 30 pounds. Because permanent work restrictions had been prescribed, the District scheduled an interactive meeting for October 8, 2007 to determine whether the permanent work restrictions can be accommodated based on the essential functions of his job, and if they cannot, to evaluate alternative positions.

There was conflicting testimony about what occurred at this meeting. Lowery was provided with a copy of his work restrictions taken from Dr. Grahek’s Permanent and Stationary Report, and reviewed the job function analysis, function-by-function. A number of participants reported that Lowery did not express any objections or disagreements with Dr. Grahek’s restrictions. Lowery testified at trial that he had told everyone at the meeting that the work restriction information was wrong – that he “was doing a lot more than this already. I didn’t realize those restrictions were enforced at the time.” The District concluded that the HVAC department had accommodated Lowery’s work restrictions for 18 months, but it was not reasonably feasible to continue doing so on a permanent basis. Lowery was removed from his modified duty position at the October 8, 2007 interactive process meeting, and was placed on paid industrial injury leave for 36 months, until October 2010. He was advised by letter on a number of occasions about other possible positions, and to respond with his resume and any additional medical information, but did not.

But, on November 29, 2007 Dr. Grahek responded to a letter sent by the claims administrator indicating that he had removed all the restrictions that would have required accommodation. This information was not sent to the employer until 2009. Nonetheless the trial court charged the employer with constructive knowledge of this information as of November 29, 2007.

Lowery was aware that his workers’ compensation attorneys had scheduled him for six Agreed Medical Examinations (AME’s) between August 2010 and November 2011 (including an AME by a court-appointed workers’ compensation doctor). However, he declined to attend any of them, because he did not believe they would help him recover his job, and because one of these examinations was scheduled during a time he was caring for his mother. He had been told by other workers that the AME’s purpose was not to get his job back—which was his goal—but to obtain a job rating in order to prepare for a settlement and dismissal of his workers’ compensation claim.

By letter dated May 21, 2010, Lowery was advised that his leave was nearing an end, and offered him four options. The first option was to return to work “ith or without request for accommodation.” The other three options involved his resignation and/or retirement. Lowery did not respond.

Lowery sued the District and the TPA for damages under FEHA. The TPA was dismissed before trial. The trial court found that Lowery was able to perform the essential functions of his HVAC Technician position “with or without reasonable accommodation”; that the District failed to provide reasonable accommodations; that Lowery’s disability was a motivating factor in the District’s failure to accommodate and failure to reinstate Lowery to his position; and that the District’s failure to accommodate caused Lowery harm. ordered back-pay and non-economic damages totaling $437,460, and ordering his reinstatement to his position as an HVAC Technician at Pierce College, as of January 1, 2012, in lieu of front-pay. The District Appealed.

The Court of Appeal in the unpublished case of Lowery v. LA Community College Dist. found that the trial court’s decision as to the employer’s failure to engage in a good faith interactive process supported in part, but the decision as to the employee’s claims for wrongful discharge and failure to accommodate were unsupported.

It was Lowery’s burden to present evidence that he was able to perform the essential duties of his position, with or without reasonable accommodation. The record contains no substantial evidence that on October 8, 2007, Lowery was able to perform the essential duties of his position, with or without reasonable accommodation. All the District could do was to compare those work restrictions with the job’s essential functions identified by those in charge of the college facilities and the HVAC department (to which Lowery had voiced no dispute, and had presented no contrary evidence), and to hear from those in charge that the HVAC department could not permanently accommodate a technician who could perform only under those restrictions. The evidence did not identify any reasonable accommodation that would have enabled Lowery to perform all the essential functions of his position as of October 8, 2007. However, there was such evidence that was constructively received by the TPA after that date The damages awarded by the trial court, both for back pay and for noneconomic damages, must be reversed for redetermination of the damages to which Lowery is entitled as a result of the District’s breach of its obligation to engage in the good faith interactive process after November 29, 2007.

Floyd Skeren and Kelly LLP Expands Long Beach Office

The firm of Floyd, Skeren and Kelly is pleased and excited to announce that Senior Partner, John Langevin, will be establishing his office in the firms facility in Long Beach.

His relocation, in conjunction with Managing Attorney Chris Lear, will augment the management team and facilitate the firms plans to create and establish the Long Beach office as one of the largest offices in the firm.

Concurrently with Mr. Langevin’s move, the firm is pleased to announce that Juan Naranjo is promoted to Managing Attorney of the Riverside office and Zlatan Muminovic is promoted Assistant Managing Attorney of the Riverside office.

Juan has been the Assistant Managing Attorney since June 2013 and has been with firm since 2005 having joined the firm after several years as a Worker Compensation attorney. Given his experience and proven track record, the firm is confident that, with Zlatan’s assistance, it will see the Riverside office’s continued growth.

Zlatan has been with the firm since 2005 and has demonstrated his ability to manage not only his case load, but to be a mentor to other associates as they mature with the firm.

Join with us in wishing Juan and Zlatan success as they take on the management challenges in Riverside and best wishes to the new Long Beach team as John and Chris implement the firms growth plans for the Long Beach Office.

FDA Makes Major Policy Shift About Hydrocodone Pain Killers

In 2011, U.S. doctors wrote more than 131 million prescriptions for hydrocodone, making it the most prescribed drug in the country, according to government figures. The ingredient is found in blockbusters drugs like Vicodin as well as dozens of other generic formulations. The FDA has long supported the more lax prescribing classification for hydrocodone, which is also backed by professional societies like the American Medical Association.

But the agency’s top drug regulator, Dr. Janet Woodcock, said “the FDA has become increasingly concerned about the abuse and misuse of opioid products, which have sadly reached epidemic proportions in certain parts of the United States.” In a major policy shift, the FDA said in an online notice that hydrocodone-containing drugs should be subject to the same restrictions as other narcotic drugs like oxycodone and morphine.

The Controlled Substances Act, passed in 1970, put hydrocodone drugs in the Schedule III class, which is subject to fewer controls. Under that classification, a prescription for Vicodin can be refilled five times before the patient has to see a physician again. If the drug is reclassified to Schedule II, patients will only be able to receive one 90-day prescription, similar to drugs like OxyContin. The drug could also not be prescribed by nurses and physician assistants.

Over the past several years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been carefully evaluating and weighing the appropriate use of opioid analgesic drug products. For the millions of American patients experiencing an acute medical need or living with chronic pain, opioids, when prescribed appropriately, can allow patients to manage their pain as well as significantly improve their quality of life.

However, in recent years, the FDA has become increasingly concerned about the abuse and misuse of opioid products, which have sadly reached epidemic proportions in certain parts of the United States. While the value of and access to these drugs has been a consistent source of public debate, the FDA has been challenged with determining how to balance the need to ensure continued access to those patients who rely on continuous pain relief while addressing the ongoing concerns about abuse and misuse.

In 2009, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for a recommendation regarding whether to change the schedule for hydrocodone combination products, such as Vicodin. The proposed change was from Schedule III to Schedule II, which would increase the controls on these products.  Due to the unique history of this issue and the tremendous amount of public interest, we are announcing the agency’s intent to recommend to HHS that hydrocodone combination products should be reclassified to a different and more restrictive schedule. This determination comes after a thorough and careful analysis of extensive scientific literature, review of hundreds of public comments on the issue, and several public meetings, during which we received input from a wide range of stakeholders, including patients, health care providers, outside experts, and other government entities.

By early December, FDA plans to submit our formal recommendation package to HHS to reclassify hydrocodone combination products into Schedule II. It anticipates that the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will concur with FDA recommendation. This will begin a process that will lead to a final decision by the DEA on the appropriate scheduling of these products.

Going forward, the agency will continue working with professional organizations, consumer and patient groups, and industry to ensure that prescriber and patient education tools are readily available so that these products are properly prescribed and appropriately used by the patients who need them most.

Second Riverside Transit Driver Arrested for Comp Fraud

The Riverside County District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint against Donald Evans in September, and a Superior Court judge issued an arrest warrant earlier this month, charging him with one felony count of false workers’ compensation claims following a traffic accident while on the job. Evans, who had worked for RTA for two years, was arrested and released after posting $25,000 bail.

The alleged injuries occurred in December 2012 when a car struck the bumper of Evans’ Route 16 bus while it was parked at a Riverside bus stop. RTA’s immediate assessment of the accident revealed minor scratches to the bumper but otherwise no damage.

Evans did not report any pain or discomfort the day of the accident. The next day, RTA halted Evans’ bus driving after he complained about injuries to his head, neck and back, as well as his left ankle and arm as a result of the accident. Because Evans claimed he was unable to work, RTA paid nearly $5,000 in medical payments and temporary disability costs, as well as legal fees. On Jan. 11, 2013 a physician cleared Evans to resume full-duty work.

During that time, an RTA review of on-board video footage confirmed minimal contact between the vehicle and the bus and no jolting at the time of the impact. None of the passengers aboard the bus complained of any pain. Although Evans claimed that he was standing at the time of the accident to assist a disabled passenger, video footage showed him sitting in his seat. A physician concluded that Evan’s alleged injuries were not consistent with the type of accident in which he was involved.

Investigators with the DA’s office began investigating the 59-year-old Moreno Valley man after receiving allegations of possible insurance fraud. During the investigation, RTA officials noted that Evans underwent a physical examination to renew his commercial driver’s license and falsely denied any prior workers’ compensation claims. If convicted, Evans faces up to four years in custody.

The incident follows one last spring when an RTA driver was arrested for workers’ compensation fraud. During that investigation, officials from the Riverside DA’s office concluded that the driver, who was receiving RTA disability benefits, was operating his own limousine service and videotaped driving; handling customer luggage; and lifting bags of ice, tire rims and cases of water.

CDI Awards $32 Million in Grants to Combat Comp Fraud

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced he has awarded $32 million in grants to district attorneys across 36 counties in California to combat workers’ compensation fraud. The grants, funded through employer assessments, support law enforcement efforts in investigating and prosecuting workers’ compensation insurance fraud.

“Last fiscal year 2012-13, my department received more than 5,000 referrals for suspected workers’ compensation fraud, with losses totaling more than $340 million,” said Commissioner Jones. “The impact of fraud is felt across California businesses and is a drain on our economy. These grants will assist district attorneys across the state in uncovering workers’ compensation fraud schemes and prosecuting those who rip-off insurers and employers.”

Grant funding is based on assessments from California employers. The California Department of Insurance leads the Workers’ Compensation Grant Review Panel that reviews and makes grant funding recommendations based on multiple criteria such as previous year performance, applications, arrests and convictions. The panel sends a recommendation to the Insurance Commissioner who either accepts or amends the panel’s recommendation. Upon completion, the Commissioner’s recommendation is submitted to the Fraud Assessment Commission for their advice and consent, and then the grants are awarded.

Los Angeles County is at the top of the list with $5.8 million awarded. San Diego County will receive $4.5 million, Orange County $3.6 million, and San Bernardino $2.2 million.

In Fiscal Year 2011-12, the district attorneys reported a total of 819 arrests, which also included the majority of Fraud Division arrests. During the same timeframe, district attorneys prosecuted 1,332 cases with 1,565 suspects, resulting in 708 convictions. Restitution of $53,006,082 was ordered in connection with these convictions and $5,943,570 was collected during Fiscal Year 2011-12. The total chargeable fraud was $341,084,553, representing only a small portion of actual fraud since many fraudulent activities had not been identified or investigated.

Effective January 1, 2005, Assembly Bill 2866 (Frommer) enacted Insurance Code Section 1871.9 requiring the posting of all workers’ compensation fraud convictions to the CDI website. One of the more notable convictions of 2013 was the case of Corinna Montenegro in San Bernardino County. This was a conviction for a violation of one count of PC 550(b)(1) for a failure to disclose material Information.

A traditional understanding of a “fraud case” is the assumption that the perpetrator must make an affirmative fraudulent statement that is not true. However, Penal Code section 550(b)(1) allows prosecutors to make a case against someone who does not affirmatively disclose information adverse to their claim. The codes states it is a crime to “conceal, or knowingly fail to disclose the occurrence of, an event that affects any person’s initial or continued right or entitlement to any insurance benefit or payment, or the amount of any benefit or payment to which the person is entitled.” Thus it would seem that a claimant that does not disclose prior injuries or illnesses that could result in apportionment of permanent disability, or collateral income sources that would be an offset to temporary disability runs the risk of criminal charges for a violation of this Penal Code provision.