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Author: WorkCompAcademy

Cal/OSHA Says 75% of Roofers Violate Safety Regulations

Cal/OSHA today launched a safety awareness campaign for roofers, where the workplace incidence of serious injuries and fatalities is higher compared to other industries. “Roofing operations are inherently risky and worker safety is paramount. Employers must have strong safety programs in place that include appropriate equipment and training to prevent injuries on the job,” said Christine Baker, Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, which oversees Cal/OSHA.

Between 2012 and 2014, Cal/OSHA conducted 126 investigations of roofing operations where an accident occurred. A full three out of four of those accidents occurred at roofing operations that were found to be in violation of state safety regulations.

Falls are the leading cause of death and serious injury for roofing workers. Most falls can be avoided by following safety regulations. For example, on December 27, 2013, West Coast Roofing employee Leopoldo Retana fell 36 feet to his death at a job site in Ventura. Investigators found Mr. Retana had not been wearing fall protection equipment or a positioning system. West Coast Roofing was cited $22,360 for 10 violations, including two serious in nature. Serious violations are those where death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard created by the violation.

Another tragic and preventable case occurred earlier that year on June 13, 2013, when Midwest Roofing and Solar employee Ernesto Rosales fell approximately 17 feet from the unprotected edge of an apartment building roof in Pico Rivera. Mr. Rosales died five days after the accident. Cal/OSHA cited Midwest Roofing and Solar $39,600 for five serious violations. Cal/OSHA’s “Roofing Maximum Enforcement Program,” taking place from March 1 through November 1, calls for targeted inspections of roofing operations across the state. This program will help ensure employers provide the necessary training and safety equipment to protect their workers on the job.

“Cal/OSHA inspectors will carefully review safety measures at roofing operations and address safety issues they encounter,” said Cal/OSHA Chief Juliann Sum. “Our goal is to raise awareness for on-the-job safety in the roofing industry so that hazards are identified and corrected.” Fall protection is among the items Cal/OSHA inspectors will be reviewing at the site visits, from railings on buildings to personal devices such as hooks that attach to vests. Inspectors will verify that workers have safe access to rooftops and are protected from electrocution hazards posed by overhead power lines. Also, inspectors will review employers’ heat illness prevention program at roofing operations where reflected surfaces can increase the heat factor of the climate.

If inspectors find a lack of protection or a serious hazard, they can issue a stop order at the site until the hazards are corrected. Employers who fail to comply with Cal/OSHA safety regulations will be cited and ordered to correct the violations.

Cal/OSHA offers online resources for workers and employers, with a fact sheet on preventing slips and falls for roofers and other safety publications. Hazardous conditions at roofing operations and other worksites can be reported to Cal/OSHA’s enforcement offices. Enforcement officers respond immediately to such reports.

Cal/OSHA, an active partner in the Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF), also works collaboratively on the Roofing Compliance Working Group. The multi-agency coalition includes LETF enforcement agencies, local district attorneys’ offices, roofing contractors and labor groups. It helps to hold accountable those employers who fail to comply with safety regulations, cheat workers on earnings, fail to carry workers’ compensation insurance, or fail to pay state payroll taxes.

Employers can receive free and voluntary assistance to help them improve their health and safety compliance with Cal/OSHA’s Consultation Program. Employers can learn more about this program by calling (800) 963-9424.

Cal/OSHA helps protect workers from health and safety hazards on the job in almost every workplace in California. Employees with work-related questions or complaints may call the California Workers’ Information Hotline at (866) 924-9757 for recorded information in English and Spanish on a variety of work-related topics.

Employer Not Required to Advanced Payment For Oral Surgery

In 1996 Kathleen Murphy, while employed as a cashier for Petsmart in 1992, sustained industrial injury to her right fool and psyche causing the need for further medical treatment. The case was resolved in 2001 by a Compromise and Release for $20.000 with the exception that the defendant remained liable for reasonable medical care related to the industrial injury.

In May and June of 2012, applicant’s treating physician, oral surgeon William W. Evans, D.M.D., M.D.,filed a request for authorization for treatment, including notice that payment was expected at the time of surgery and implant placement. He went on to explain that because of the amount of implants he will need a payment before he can proceed completely with patient’s treatment. Dr. Evans sought an advanced payment of $25,600.00. The treatment plan submitted to UR stated, “Surgical Fee and Payment: Payment is expected at the time of surgery.”

Dr. Evans’ s request for oral surgery and implant placement was forwarded to the utilization review process. On July 19, 2012, defendant issued a utilization review decision authorizing the requested care. The utilization review approval letter did not expressly approve payment of any particular sum of money to Dr. Evans, nor did it expressly mention any agreement to pay Dr. Evans in advance for his services.

Later, the defendant agreed to authorize the surgery but declined to make an advanced payment as requested stating “that advanced payment is not usual and customary for treatment provided in workers’ compensation matters.” In addition, the doctor was advised that payment would be made according to a fee schedule. The physician replied “As stated in your letter it is not usual and customary to collect up front for workers comp cases. It is however usual and customary to collect up front for Implant cases due to the overhead involved. For the extractions the payment within 60 days is acceptable. We are not agreeable to except [sic] fee schedule amounts without those amounts being disclosed. As of yet we have not received any information regarding the allowed fees. Once this information is received we will he able to inform you a to whether we are in agreement.”

Ultimately on February 4, 2013, defendant issued a check in the amount of $25,510.00 to Dr. Evans as pre-payment for the dental services originally requested in June of 2012. Despite the payment, the parties went to trial on the issue of a Labor Code section 5814 penalty. The WCJ found defendant liable for a penalty, stating that: “This Judge finds no medical or legal basis for said delay and on that basis finds that defendant did unreasonably delay payment to Dr. Evans.” The WCJ thus assessed a Labor Code section 5814 penalty in the amount of$6,377.50, which was calculated as 25% of the dental treatment unreasonably delayed by the defendant..”

The defendant Petitioned for Reconsideration which was granted, and the penalty was reversed in the split panel decision of Murphy v Petsmart.

In reversing, the majority concluded that “defendant did not act unreasonably because it had no obligation to pay for applicant’s dental treatment in advance. Labor Code section 4603.2 makes clear that a defendant has no obligation to provide payment for medical services until 45 days after medical services have been “provided.”

“Although we do not wish to belabor the point, “provided” in this context is the past participle of “provide,” and thus indicates an action which has already been completed. Despite Dr. Evans’s office insistence that defendant pay for treatment in advance, there is thus no obligation for the defendant to pay for medical or dental services before they have been provided.”

Commissioner Sweeny dissented from the Opinion noting that the defendant was “clearly notified that payment in advance was required for treatment due to the high up-front cost required for this type of treatment. Defendant approved the treatment even in the face of the requirement for pre-payment, and after authorization did nothing to retract or clarify this authorization for months, until after applicant filed a Declaration of Readiness to Proceed (DOR) seeking WCAB intervention on the issue of medical treatment.” Any “confusion in this case was engendered by defendant’s approval of the suggested treatment without communicating that it did not agree to payment in advance until almost five months later. Under the specific factual scenario of this case, I would affirm the WCJ’s decision that defendant in effect agreed to the treatment and billing terms. and that failure to promptly clarify the matter deprived the applicant of necessary medical treatment for many months.”

Home Renovator Convicted for No Comp Insurance

Executives of a La Mesa-based firm that buys and renovates homes for resale pleaded guilty Thursday to a felony charge of unemployment tax evasion and a misdemeanor count of failure to have workers’ compensation insurance.

David Scott Wolfe, 48, and his company, Three Frogs Inc., along with Chief Financial Officer Jonathan D. Cox and Chief Operating Officer John Murphy, were charged last year with the tax and insurance fraud counts. Wolfe was also charged with a violation of OSHA safety standards in connection with a Nov. 12, 2013, tree-trimming accident that killed Joshua Pudsey, 42. He was trimming trees using a cherry picker outside a La Mesa home when a large branch from a 60-foot eucalyptus tree fell on him, crushing his head.

After a four-day preliminary hearing, Judge Leo Valentine ruled that Wolfe and two of his employees, Chief Financial Officer Jonathan D. Cox, 35, and Chief Operating Officer John Murphy, 36, should stand trial on felony and misdemeanor fraud charges. But the judge dismissed the felony safety standard charge against Wolfe, citing insufficient evidence.

Wolfe, Cox and Murphy are scheduled to be sentenced March 26.

The Bacteria Are Winning!

According to Ezekiel J. Emanuel MD, an oncologist, a vice provost at the University of Pennsylvania and Obamacare architect, the bacteria are winning. His article in the New York Times points out that every year at least two million people are infected with bacteria that can’t be wiped out with antibiotics, and as a result, 23,000 people die. Direct health care costs from these illnesses are estimated to be as high as $20 billion annually. Should a health care worker or any injured worker become infected while undergoing treatment for an industrial injury, the claim cost would exponentially increase.

Just last week, the U.C.L.A. Health System announced that nearly 180 patients may have been exposed to the CRE superbug that was linked to two deaths in one of its hospitals. Today, 30 percent of severe strep pneumonia infections are resistant to multiple drugs and 30 percent of gonorrhea infections are resistant to all antibiotics. And drug-resistant enterobacteriaceae, enterococcus, acinetobacter and a slew of other unpronounceable bacteria pose serious threats.

Dr. Emanuel says “The development of antibiotics has been glacial. We need a completely new approach.”

The number of F.D.A.-approved antibiotics has decreased steadily in the past two decades. The big pharmaceutical companies have largely stopped work on these drugs. Pfizer, long the leader in developing antibiotics, closed its antibiotic research operations in 2011. Smaller biotech companies now account for 80 percent of antibiotic development. There are now about 40 new antibiotics in development. That might sound promising – but not when compared with the 771 new drugs and vaccines in clinical trials or awaiting F.D.A. review for cancer. And most of these antibiotics are unlikely to come out of the testing process as F.D.A.-approved drugs.

There are ways, apart from developing new drugs, to combat the problem of superbugs and drug resistance. One is hand-washing, especially in hospitals. Another is reversing the overprescribing of antibiotics. It’s estimated that half of all antibiotics used are unnecessary. Animal feed accounts for 80 percent of the antibiotics used in the United States and contributes to antibiotic resistance. We could also fix our antiquated system for tracking drug-resistant bacteria.

But just as important, we need to develop new treatments. Bacteria figure out a way to become resistant to every new drug. We are in an endless life-or-death struggle with bacteria.

The big problem is profitability. Unlike drugs for cholesterol or high blood pressure, or insulin for diabetes, which are taken every day for life, antibiotics tend to be given for a short time, a week or at most a few months. So profits have to be made on brief usage. Furthermore, any new antibiotics that might be developed to fight these drug-resistant bacteria are likely to be used very sparingly under highly controlled circumstances, to slow the development of resistant bacteria and extend their usefulness. This also limits the amount that can be sold.

Even though antibiotics are lifesaving, they do not command a premium price in the marketplace. As a society we seem willing to pay $100,000 or more for cancer drugs that cure no one and at best add weeks or a few months to life. We are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for knee surgery that, at best, improves function but is not lifesaving. So why won’t we pay $10,000 for a lifesaving antibiotic?

Congress has tried to address the problem. In 2012, it passed an act that expedited F.D.A. review and gave drug companies five more years of market exclusivity without generic competition. That has increased drug company interest in developing antibiotics, but not enough. Because it costs at least $1 billion to develop a new drug.

Global Fund Proposed for Antibiotic Development

A global fund to speed development of new antibiotics to counter the growing threat of drug-resistant superbugs is likely to need up to $2 billion, the head of a review backed by the British government said on Thursday.

The Science – Business website reports that former Goldman Sachs chief economist Jim O’Neill has urged the establishment of an innovation fund to support research, arguing that far too little is currently invested in hunting for new drugs against drug-resistant infections. “We’ve not yet come up with a number,” O’Neill told an Economist pharmaceuticals conference when asked how big the fund would be. “My guess is probably no more than $2 billion.”

O’Neill, who was asked last year by British Prime Minister David Cameron to take an economist’s view of the issue, said earlier this month that philanthropists and governments should create a new fund to support drug research. In his first assessment of the threat, O’Neill estimated that so-called anti-microbial resistance (AMR) could kill an extra 10 million people a year and cost up to $100 trillion by 2050 if it was not brought under control.

The UK Review on Antimicrobial Resistance has published its second report, outlining specific steps for action to tackle the rise of drug-resistant infections worldwide. The report says that while mounting concern about the rise of antimicrobial resistance is prompting an increase in infectious disease research, a lack of funding means it is difficult to take ideas forward and companies are deterred from entering the field.

“I am calling on international funders, philanthropic or governmental, to allocate money to a fund that can support blue sky science and incubate ideas that are more mature,” said Jim O’Neill, chair of the review, launching the report. Such a targeted fund would support research needed to pave the way for new drugs, for alternatives to antibiotics, and for new diagnostics to make sure the right drugs are used. It could reverse the brain drain to research areas that are currently better-paid and held in higher academic esteem, such as cancer, diabetes and dementia.

The UK government set up the review in July 2014. The first report, published in December, scoped the problem, concluding that unless action is taken to address this huge global problem, it could cost the world at least an additional 10 million lives a year by 2050, more than the number of people who currently die from cancer each year. The second report says much innovative thinking is happening in infectious disease research at the moment. But lack of funding means that while people, machines and laboratories are ready to tackle the next challenges, they are unable to do so. It also deters new entrants to the field. Without new doctors and scientists in academia, hospitals and drug companies, the ability to innovate will decrease just at the time it needs to reach its peak.

“In researching our latest report, we found no shortage of ideas and promising new technologies but progress is too slow due to lack of investment, and much of the workforce is edging towards retirement,” said O’Neill. The review team is currently investigating market incentives in preparation for its next report in the Spring. Antibiotics generate low or even negative returns on investment meaning new mechanisms are needed to pull companies back into the field.

Comp Firm Alleges Opponent Hacked Computers

An report on says that the Los Angeles law firm Reyes and Barsoum LLP launched a California state suit accusing Knox Ricksen LLP, its opposing counsel in a workers’ compensation dispute, of hacking into a computer network and illegally downloading confidential client information so it could gain an edge in the underlying case. The complaint alleges Knox Ricksen partner Eric Danowitz and associate Daniel Sharp violated California’s Computer Crime Law and business and professions code by executing a scheme in which they wrongfully obtained 2,000 case materials containing Reyes and Barsoum’s privileged documents. The attorneys allegedly gave the materials to two other Knox Ricksen attorneys, Russell Ching and Stella Mendoza, who were trying to win a discovery motion to compel deposition answers and production of documents in a workers’ compensation case pending in Marina del Rey, California.

A Workers’ Compensation Judge later found the documents to be protected as privileged, noted ethical concerns and ordered the immediate return of the materials, according to allegations of the suit. “Plaintiff asked how they obtained possession of their attorney privileged documents and confidential communications. Defendants…..attempted to perpetuate and conceal a falsehood on the court,” the suit alleges. “Under further questioning, for example whether someone gave them to you, the defendants said they didn’t know. Later, the defendants stated they were found on the Internet. When asked how they were found on the Internet, the defendants [sic] attorneys, Ching and Mendoza, spontaneously returned to their statement of lack of any knowledge.”

In February 2013, defendants allegedly hacked into a password-protected computer network owned and operated by HQ Sign-Up Services Inc., which stored privileged and confidential documents for Reyes and Barsoum.

After a judge in the workers’ compensation case allegedly ordered the return of the documents, the defendants in the civil suite allegedly filed a petition for the judge’s removal, according to the complaint. A workers’ compensation appeals board denied the request, however, and a similar writ to the court of appeals was also dismissed.

The complaint alleges that, “on November 24, 2015,” the defendants were admonished by another judge who ordered them not to use plaintiff’s intake forms, because they were privileged documents, as ruled by the judge in the workers’ compensation case. The suit further claims the defendants still haven’t turned over the materials at issue. Furthermore, they allegedly admitted to Reyes and Barsoum that they have obtained more than 30,000 attorney files, documents and property of the plaintiff and other lawyers from the HQSU website.

“Proud of the fruits of their scheme and business practices defendant, Danowitz even showed plaintiff’s [sic] a video of how easy it was to steal, hack and illegally download paintiff’s [sic] attorney privileged documents and confidential communications and property, conceding that their conduct was an intentional, unethetical [sic], unauthorized accessing, taking, use, disclosure and dissemination of plaintiff’s attorney privileged [materials]……..Subsequently, the plaintiff’s [sic] have discoved [sic] that defendants have shared its files and property with other law firms.”

The suit seeks unspecified damages, an order restraining defendants from accessing plaintiff’s privileged electronic communications, an order that defendants return all documents they allegedly illegally downloaded and other relief.

The case is Reyes and Barsoum LLP v. Knox Ricksen LLP et al., case number BC572975, in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles. The lawsuit and this report are allegations of one party in litigation and cannot be assumed to be true until proven in a court of law.

WCRI Reports on Fee Schedule Effectiveness

A new study from Mass.-based Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), updates a recently published 33-state study with an extra year of data and the early impact analysis of major regulatory changes. The study, Hospital Outpatient Cost Index for Workers’ Compensation, 4th Edition, which was summarized by the Claims Journal compares hospital outpatient costs across states, identifies key cost drivers, and measures the impact of reforms.

“Rising hospital costs have been a concern and focus of recent public policy debates in many states,” said Dr. Olesya Fomenko, co-author of the report and an economist at WCRI. “To assist policymakers and business decision makers in managing this growth, WCRI has created this unique study, which is updated regularly, to help them better understand hospital payments associated with outpatient surgeries.” The following findings are highlighted in the study:

1) States with percent-of-charge-based fee regulations or no fee schedules had the highest payments to hospitals for outpatient surgical episodes for knee and shoulder surgeries. In particular, states with no hospital outpatient fee schedules had 60 to 141 percent higher hospital outpatient payments per episode compared with the typical state with fixed-amount fee schedules.
2) There was tremendous variation in the rates of change in hospital payments per surgical episode across states. From 2006 to 2013, South Carolina saw a reduction of 31 percent in this metric while in Alabama the average hospital payment per surgical episode grew by 81 percent. States with percent-of-charge-based fee regulations or no fee schedules had more rapid growth in hospital outpatient payments per episode than states with other regulatory approaches. In particular, most percent-of-charge-based fee regulation states that did not have updates to the reimbursable percentage of charges experienced growth in hospital payments per surgical episode that was 157–286 percent faster than the median of states with fixed-amount fee schedules
.3) States with cost-to-charge ratio fee regulations had similar levels and growth rates in hospital outpatient payments per episode to states with fixed-amount fee schedules. Hospital outpatient payments per episode in states with cost-to-charge ratio regulations grew 10–25 percent from 2006 to 2013.

The hospital outpatient cost indices compare payments per surgical episode for common outpatient surgeries under workers’ compensation from state to state for each study year and the trends within each state from 2005 to 2013. To capture only payments for services provided and billed by hospitals, the indices exclude professional services billed by nonhospital medical providers (such as physicians, physical therapists, and chiropractors) and transactions for durable medical equipment and pharmaceuticals billed by providers other than hospitals. This study also excludes payments made to ambulatory surgery centers.

The study covers 33 large states representing 86 percent of workers’ compensation benefits paid in the United States. Geographically diverse, they represent a wide range of industries and a variety of regulation choices for hospital payments under workers’ compensation. The states are Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. For additional information about this study or to purchase a copy, visit

DIR Reduces IMR/IBR Fees – Again!

The Department of Industrial Relations  announced a reduction in Independent Medical Review and Independent Bill Review fees effective January 1, 2015. This is the second reduction in fees since the inception of the IMR/IBR program and will no doubt be good news to the workers’ compensation community. The following are the announced fee reductions.

IMR Fees – Any IMR application submitted on or after January 1, 2015 will be subject to the following fee schedule:

Standard IMRs Involving Non-Pharmacy Claims*
Fee effective April 1, 2014: $420 per IMR
Fee effective Jan. 1, 2015: $390 per IMR

Standard IMRs Involving Pharmacy Only Claims**
Fee effective April 1, 2014: $390 per IMR
Fee effective Jan. 1, 2015: $345 per IMR

IMRs Terminated or Dismissed Not Forwarded to a Medical Professional Reviewer:
Fee effective April 1, 2014: $160 per IMR
Fee effective Jan. 1, 2015: $123 per IMR

IBR Fees – Any IBR application submitted on or after January 1, 2015 will be subject to the following fee schedule:

Completed IBR
Fee effective April 1, 2014: $250 per IBR
Fee effective Jan. 1, 2015: $195 per IBR

Ineligible IBR Not Sent to Review***
Fee effective April 1, 2014: $50 per IBR
Fee effective Jan. 1, 2015: $47.50 per IBR

* A “non-pharmacy-only” IMR is an IMR where not all treatments in dispute fall under the service category, “pharmaceuticals.”
** A “pharmacy-only” IMR is an IMR where all treatments in dispute fall under the service category “pharmaceuticals.”
*** Sending an IBR to review means assigning and providing the complete file to a certified coding specialist with the expertise necessary to evaluate and render decisions on all line items in dispute.

DWC Sets Public Hearing on Home Health Care Fee Schedule

The Division of Workers’ Compensation will hold a public meeting to discuss issues related to the home health services fee schedule. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon at the Elihu Harris State Office Building – Auditorium located at 1515 Clay Street in Oakland.

The purpose of the meeting is to hear input from the public regarding issues including assessing the need for home health services, service provider requirements, fee amounts, and billing codes. The agenda for the meeting has been posted online.

On January 27, 2014, the DWC posted the 2015 RAND study Home Health Care for California’s Injured Workers – Options for Implementing a Fee Schedule.

California Senate Bill 863 requires the Administrative Director to establish a fee schedule for home health services. Home health services range from skilled nurses and therapy services provided by home health agencies to unskilled personal care or chore services that may be provided by family members or other personal care aides. The RAND study identifies options for a single fee schedule that would cover the full range of home health services.

State Fund Declares $37 Million Dividend

The State Fund Compensation Insurance Fund’s Board of Directors has approved a $37 million dividend to qualifying policyholders for the 2014 policy year. The dividend represents approximately 2.6 percent of policyholders’ 2014 estimated annual premium.

“In addition to declaring a $37 million dividend, we strengthened our reserve position to improve State Fund’s financial strength for the long term, thanks to strong investment returns,” said Vern Steiner, President and CEO.

In order to be eligible for the 2014 policy year dividend, policyholders must:

1) Have completed no less than 335 days of continuous coverage during their 2014 policy term.
2) Have not canceled during their 2014 policy term.
3) Have complied with the State Fund audit and as a result the final audit was completed within 18 months of the 2014 policy inception. No dividend shall be paid on any premium owed or paid as a result of an audit.
4) Be current on 2014 premium payments.

Payments for a dividend will be based on the inception dates of policies. This action brings total dividends declared by State Fund since 2011 to $287 million.

San Francisco-based State Fund is the largest workers’ compensation insurance carrier in the state with more than 130,000 employer policyholders. Dividends were temporarily suspended after a $92 million dollar distribution in 2001 until the approval of a $50 million dividend in 2011 followed by a $100 million dividend for the 2012 policy year and another $100 million dividend for the 2013 policy year and now a $37 million dividend for last year. Since its inception in 1914, the State Fund has paid more than $5 billion in dividends to policyholders.