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Author: WorkCompAcademy

Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Discusses Low Back Pain Risk Factors

New research presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) identifies nicotine dependence, obesity, alcohol abuse and depressive disorders as risk factors for low back pain, a common condition causing disability, missed work, high medical costs and diminished life quality.

Researchers reviewed electronic records of more than 26 million patients from 13 health care systems across the U.S., including 1.2 million patients diagnosed with low back pain (approximately 4.54 percent of the patient records). The review found that 19.3 percent of the patients diagnosed with a depressive disorder reported lower back pain, as did 16.75 percent of patients diagnosed as obese (a body mass index, or BMI, greater than 30kg/m²), 16.53 percent of the patients diagnosed with nicotine dependence, and 14.66 percent with reported alcohol abuse. Patients with nicotine dependence, obesity, depressive disorders, and alcohol abuse were had “statistically significant” relative risks of 4.489, 6.007, 5.511 and 3.326 for low back pain, respectively, when compared to other patients

“This study used an electronic health care database to identify modifiable risk factors – obesity, depressive disorders, alcohol and tobacco use – in patients with low back pain,” said lead study author and orthopaedic surgeon Scott Shemory, MD. “The findings will allow physicians to better counsel and more closely follow their high-risk patients.”

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2012 National Health Survey, nearly one-third of U.S. adults reported that they had suffered from low back pain during the previous three months. For many adults, low back pain is debilitating and chronic. Determining modifiable risk factors for low back pain could help avoid or diminish the financial and emotional costs of this condition.

Apportionment of permanent disability in California workers’ compensation can be based upon causation. Perhaps this study, and other similar investigations may provide more opportunities to obtain apportionment in low back injury cases.

WCIRB Proposes 10.2% Premium Rate Reduction

Citing lower medical loss development, as well as indemnity and medical severities that continue to emerge below expectations, the insurer and public members of the WCIRB Governing Committee voted this week to authorize the WCIRB to submit a mid-year pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance (CDI). The filing will propose a July 1, 2015 advisory pure premium rate of $2.46 per $100 of payroll which is 5.0% lower than the corresponding industry average filed pure premium rate of $2.59 as of January 1, 2015 and 10.2% less than the approved average January 1, 2015 advisory pure premium rate of $2.74.

The Governing Committee’s decision was based on the WCIRB Actuarial Committee’s analysis of insurer loss and loss adjustment experience as of December 31, 2014, which was reviewed at public meetings of the Actuarial Committee held on March 18, 2015 and March 30, 2015. While loss adjustment expenses continue to emerge at levels higher than expected, those higher costs are more than offset by better than projected loss experience. The primary drivers of the indicated reduction in advisory pure premium rates are:

1) Significant improvement in medical loss development since the WCIRB’s amended January 1, 2015 Pure Premium Rate Filing, which decreases the estimates of ultimate historical accident year loss ratios and the resultant future year medical cost projections.
2) Continued decline in the average cost of indemnity and medical on indemnity claims—particularly in the 2014 accident year. For the second consecutive year following the implementation of SB 863, medical severities declined by more than 4%.
3) Significant improvement in accident year 2014 experience, in large part driven by lower than expected severity growth.

The WCIRB anticipates submitting its filing to the CDI by April 6, 2015. The filing and all related documents will be available in the Publication and Filings section of the WCIRB website and the WCIRB will issue a Wire Story once the filing has been submitted. Documents related to the Governing Committee meeting, including the agenda and materials displayed or distributed at the meeting, are available on the Governing Committee page of the WCIRB website.

California joins other states that are announcing rate reductions this month. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory announced that an average decrease in workers’ compensation insurance premium rates paid by North Carolina businesses will take effect in April 2015. The North Carolina Department of Insurance estimates that 95 percent of the state’s employers will see an average decrease of 3.4 percent in their 2015 premium rate. The remaining 5 percent, which constitutes businesses that purchase coverage through an “assigned risk pool,” will see an average decrease of 4.5 percent. These significant decreases are a welcome change from 2014 premium rates which were 4.2 percent higher than what most employers paid in 2013.

Workers compensation advisory rates will decrease 5.99% for Pennsylvania employers this month, according to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. This is the fourth year in a row that Pennsylvania workers comp advisory rates have decreased, according to the governor’s statement.

Private employers in Ohio will see a 10.8% workers compensation rate decrease as of July 1, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation said. The 10.8% rate cut, approved by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s board of directors is expected to yield a $153 million decrease in projected annual premium, the bureau said in a statement.

The Medical Payment Reform Landscape: Bundled Payment

The dominant model for payment of medical services has been a “payment for procedure” model which financially encourages vendors to provide as many medical procedures as possible without a financial incentive for a good outcome. Escalating costs have triggered experiments with other payment models that focus on value. Earlier this decade, “pay for performance” took center stage as a tactic for realigning payment with value. Another model known as “bundled payments” is being studied at the state and national level. One or combinations of these newer models may at some point determine payment under California workers’ compensation.

Bundled payment is a single payment to providers or health care facilities (or jointly to both) for all services to treat a given condition or provide a given treatment. Bundled payment asks providers to assume financial risk for the cost of services for a particular treatment or condition, as well as costs associated with preventable complications. Just 1.6 percent of payments currently flowed through bundled payment models. However, use of bundled payments is growing in both the public and private sectors. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) Initiative will pilot bundled payments in almost 100 settings (ranging from hospitals to nursing homes) over the next three years, and the program is expanding further. Both Tennessee and Arkansas are working to implement multi-stakeholder episode-based payment initiatives.

Traditionally, Medicare makes separate payments to providers for each service they perform (pay for procedure model) for beneficiaries during a single illness or course of treatment. This approach can result in fragmented care with minimal coordination across providers and health care settings. It also rewards the quantity of services offered by providers rather than the quality of care furnished. Research has shown that bundled payments can align incentives for providers – hospitals, post-acute care providers, physicians, and other practitioners – allowing them to work closely together across all specialties and settings. The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative was developed by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center). The Innovation Center was created by the Affordable Care Act to test innovative payment and service delivery models that have the potential to reduce Medicare, Medicaid, or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care for beneficiaries.

The Bundled Payment model has now caused researchers to focus on the cause of costly “bad” medical and surgical outcomes, research that is desperately needed. A new study from researchers at NYU Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases identifies common causes of hospital readmissions following total hip and knee arthoplasty procedures. By finding these common causes, researchers believe quality can be increased and hospital costs decreased. The study was presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting in Las Vegas.

The patients were part of the Bundled Payment for Care Initiative from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a government pilot program where hospitals are paid for quality of procedures rather than quantity. One way to measure quality is by examining hospital readmission rates. Researchers studied 721 patients admitted to NYU Langone’s Hospital for Joint Diseases between January and December 2013 for a total hip arthoplasty (THA) or total knee arthoplasty (TKA). Of those cases, 80 patients, or 11 percent, had to be re-admitted within 90 days.

THA and TKA readmissions due to surgical complications accounted for 54% and 44% of the indications for readmissions, respectively. Surgical complications included infection (11), wound complications (8) bleeding (7), periprosthetic fracture (5), dislocations (4), and post-surgical pain (4). The average cost of readmission for surgical complications was $36,038 for THA and $61,049 for TKA. Medical complications included gastrointestinal disease (11), pulmonary disease (8), genitourinary/renal complications (6), hematologic (6), cardiovascular (3), endocrine disorders (2) syncope (2), rheumatologic (1), lumbago (1), and an open ankle wound (1). The average cost of medical complications was $22,775 for THA and $10,283 for TKA patients, respectively.

“While some complications are unavoidable, we are proud of our low readmission rates at the Hospital for Joint Diseases and by identifying the causes for readmission, we hope to reduce our rates even further,” says study co-author Joseph Bosco, MD, associate professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at NYU Langone. “As bundled payment programs are implemented more widely nationwide, other U.S. hospitals will follow our example and implement strategies to boost quality and reduce medical costs.”

Stevens IMR Constitutional Challenge Featured in New NPR – Comp Bashing Story

NPR continues its Special Series “Insult To Injury: America’s Vanishing Worker Protections” arguing that states have nationally eroded workers’ compensation benefits to the point of shifting the burden on taxpayers. The current article features two California workers’ compensation claims it asserts are evidence of how even California has changed its system into an intolerable and unacceptable debacle. One of the claimants, Frances Stevens has her case pending in the Court of Appeal and if successful, will end the IMR process created by SB 863.

NPR reports that “Stevens tripped on a rug and broke her foot as she carried boxes of magazines. The relatively simple break triggered serious nerve damage and she was eventually diagnosed with chronic or complex regional pain syndrome.” She claims to be mostly confined to a wheelchair and the NPR photograph shows her using a custom wheelchair ramp leading to her van. She was awarded total permanent disability.

A dispute arose between Stevens and SCIF about two years ago over her medical care. For several years applicant had the assistance of a home health aide and used certain medications prescribed by Dr. Jamasbi to relieve her symptoms. In late 2012, the home health aide assisting applicant was injured and was unable to continue to provide those services. This led Dr. Jamasbi to submit a Request For Authorization (RFA) to defendant for a new home health aide along with a request to refill four prescriptions which were submitted to UR and denied. The request was also denied after the IMR process which took seven months to complete. In this case, the IMR determination states that that “Medical treatment does not include home maker services like shopping, cleaning, and laundry, and personal care given by home health aides like bathing, dressing, and using the bathroom when this is the only care needed.”

The applicant appealed and the WCJ found there was no provision for a reversal of the IMR finding since the labor code provides only limited circumstances upon which IMR can be reversed. The WCAB denied reconsideration in the panel decision of Stevens vs Outspoken Enterprises Inc. One of the key aspects of the Stevens argument was the constitutionality of the IMR process, an issue the California Applicants Attorney Association has been making since passage of SB 863. In response to this challenge, the WCJ found “While the Constitution confers on the Legislature the power to establish a system of workers’ compensation, section 3.5 of article III of the Constitution withholds from administrative agencies the power to determine the constitutional validity of any statute.” The WCAB agreed that it could not rule on the constitutional issue, and denied reconsideration saying “In sum, for purposes of appeal to the WCAB it does not matter whether the reasons given for an IMR determination support the determination unless the appealing party proves one or more of five grounds for appeal listed by the Legislature in section 4610(h) by clear and convincing evidence. Applicant did not do that in this case. The WCJ’s May 27, 2014 denial of applicant’s IMR appeal is affirmed.”

The First District Court of appeal has agreed to hear the case, and this will be the first appellate court to address the constitutional challenge to the IMR process. Briefs have been filed by a great number of Amicus parties including the California Workers’ Compensation Institute, the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, the California Chamber of Commerce, Voters Injured at Work and the California Applicants’ Attorneys Association.

By the end of January, 2015 the Court of Appeal asked the parties to address some of the constitutional questions. “Under Article XIV, section 4 of the California Constitution, the Legislature “is expressly vested with plenary power, unlimited by any provision of this Constitution, to create, and enforce a complete system of workers’ compensation, by appropriate legislation. . . .” (Cal. Const., art. XIV, § 4 [italics added].) Meanwhile, Article III, section 3 of the California Constitution, governing Separation of Powers, provides: “The powers of state government are legislative, executive, and judicial. Persons charged with the exercise of one power may not exercise either of the others except as permitted by this Constitution.” (Cal. Const., art. III, § 3 [italics added].) And Article I, section 7 of the California Constitution provides: “A person may not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” ((Cal. Const., art. I, § 7(a).) With these sections of the California Constitution in mind, the Court invites simultaneous supplemental briefing from the parties and amicus curiae on the following issues: 1. Is the plenary power to enact workers compensation statutes vested in the Legislature by the California Constitution limited by the Separation of Powers Clause of the California Constitution? 2. Does the plenary power to enact workers compensation statutes vested in the Legislature by the California Constitution effect our analysis in evaluating petitioner’s claims under the California Constitution’s Due Process Clause?”

Oral arguments have not yet been scheduled in this case, and it will be months before a resolution. This is however the case to watch for 2015 as the stakes are high. Should IMR be declared unconstitutional a major provision of SB 863 sought by employers will evaporate, and medical disputes will return to the level of the WCAB,

Social Security Proposes Mandatory State Reporting of Comp Benefits

The Social Security Administration has published its proposed 2016 budget, which also includes as an appendix, several legislative proposals. The legislative agenda includes a proposal that would require states, local governments and private insurers to report to the Social Security Administration workers’ compensation benefits that would affect the offset of social security disability benefits.

The proposal states: “Current law requires SSA to reduce an individual’s Disability Insurance (DI) benefit if he or she receives workers’ compensation (WC) or public disability benefits (PDB). SSA currently relies upon beneficiaries to report when they receive these benefits. This proposal would improve program integrity by requiring states, local governments, and private insurers that administer WC and PDB to provide this information to SSA. Furthermore, this proposal would provide for the development and implementation of a system to collect such information from states, local governments, and insurers.”

When social security disability recipients also receive workers’ compensation benefits, the Social Security Administration is entitled to offset those benefits pursuant to the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §424a. Generally, the Social Security Act requires that the total amount of social security disability and workers’ compensation or public disability benefits be reduced by an amount necessary to insure that the sum of the benefits does not exceed 80 percent of the individuals pre-disability average current earnings. 42 U.S.C. §424a(a)(5).

Currently, the Social Security Administration does not have a means to independently determine whether a disability beneficiary is also receiving workers’ compensation benefits or governmental disability benefits. The Social Security Administration relies upon the beneficiary to report when they are receiving such benefits. The potential for fraud or under reporting is very apparent.

The proposal would call for the creation of a system for governments and insurers to report the nature and amount of the benefit received by the social security disability beneficiary. The proposal does not address the issue of how the insurers or governmental entities are to determine whether the claimant is, in fact, a social security disability beneficiary. This proposal is substantially similar in principle to the MMSEA §111 mandatory reporting requirement for reporting benefits and settlements to Medicare.

While the goal of reducing fraud is certainly meritorious, the proposal will shift the burden of reporting workers’ compensation and public disability benefits from the claimant/beneficiary to government entities and workers’ compensation insurers. The burden may be increased if the Social Security Administration requires insurers and public entities to acquire releases from the claimant/beneficiaries prior to disclosure of their workers’ compensation or public disability benefit. It is likely that this proposal will receive widespread support. The proposal does not suggest an effective date; however, it is quite likely that the effective date would be approximately 12-18 months after any such legislative proposal became law.

Floyd, Skeren and Kelly 5th Annual Conference Guest Speakers Announced

Time is running out to enroll in the Floyd, Skeren and Kelly 5th Annual Southern California Employment Law Conference to be held at the Disneyland Hotel on June 19, 2015. Last year more than 300 professional attended this conference. This year guest speakers include Steve Jones, Deputy Labor Commissioner from the California Department of Industrial Relations, Phoebe Liu, Senior Staff Counsel IV Department of Fair Employment and Housing and Shaddi Kamiabipour, Deputy District Attorney with the Insurance Fraud Unit, Orange County DA’s Office.

This full day conference that will offer topics on both Employment Laws and Workers’ Compensation. Some of the topics we will cover are:

1) Mastering California Leave Laws: A Closer Look at Disability Related Leave Laws, Interactive Process, and Accommodation
2) The Latest Information on California’s Paid Sick Leave-Ensure Compliance Before July 1, 2015
3) Preventing Work Comp Fraud in the Workplace
4) Identifying the Key Features of a Successful Interactive Process in Work Comp Cases
5) Understanding and Complying With the New California Family Rights Act Regulations in Effect as of July 1, 2015
6) A Work Comp Case Law and Legislative Update
7) Understanding, Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment Claims in the Workplace
8) How to Effectively Manage and Defend Work Comp Claims-Advanced Techniques From the Experts
9) Performance, Discipline and Termination-Best Practices for Avoiding Liability with These Vital HR Actions
10) Work Comp Resignations and Compromise and Release-What are the Legal Implications?
12) Is Your Company Committing Costly Wage and Hour Violations-Important Tips for Ensuring Compliance
13) An Update on the UR and IMR Process
14) Seven Habits of Frequently Sued Employers-Avoid These Costly Mistakes
15) Illegal Drug and Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Key Prevention and Response Strategies
16) Common Employer Mistakes Leading to Work Comp Claims
17) Reviewing Medical Reports and Defending Erroneous Ratings

Early Bird discounted registration is now available online. For further information please visit our event website, or call us at (818) 854-3239

1200 Year Old Remedy “Astonishingly” Effective Against MRSA

The increasing risk of drug resistant superbug infections have been the focus of attention over the last several months as major hospitals such as UCLA report patient infections, and other health organizations are calculating what might occur should no new antibiotic be developed to combat these infections. The predicted costs to the economy and to the insurance industry are expected to be substantial. One of the several superbugs is MRSA or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Now, as strange as it may seem, a story published in Forbes and other major news media today reports that a 1,200-year-old Anglo-Saxon remedy called Bald’s Eye Salve has proven “astonishingly” effective in battling the MRSA superbug, which kills more than 5,000 people a year in the US. The potion, composed of garlic, onion or leeks, wine, and ox bile, kills up to 90 per cent of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in mice, according to scientists at the University of Nottingham.

The Mediaeval treatment was rediscovered by Christina Lee, an associate professor who specializes in disease and disability in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking eras, who translated it from old English. The one thousand year old Anglo-Saxon remedy for eye infections which originates from a manuscript in the British Library has been found to kill the modern-day superbug MRSA in an unusual research collaboration at The University of Nottingham.

Dr Lee, an Anglo-Saxon expert from the School of English has enlisted the help of microbiologists from University’s Centre for Biomolecular Sciences to recreate a 10th century potion for eye infections from Bald’s Leechbook an Old English leatherbound volume in the British Library, to see if it really works as an antibacterial remedy. The Leechbook is widely thought of as one of the earliest known medical textbooks and contains Anglo-Saxon medical advice and recipes for medicines, salves and treatments.

Early results on the ‘potion’, tested in vitro at Nottingham and backed up by mouse model tests at a university in the United States, are, in the words of the US collaborator, “astonishing”. The solution has had remarkable effects on Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) which is one of the most antibiotic-resistant bugs costing modern health services billions.

The recipe, including detailed instructions on how long to chill the ingredients (nine days at 4C), was found in the leather-bound medical textbook from the 9th Century held in the British Library. “Medieval leech books and herbaria contain many remedies designed to treat what are clearly bacterial infections,” said Dr Lee.

Microbiologists recreated Bald’s Eye Salve as faithfully as possible, even using a wine from a historic vineyard near Glastonbury, and tested it both in vitro and on wounds in mice. They compared the results to those achieved previously with the individual ingredients. “We thought that Bald’s eye salve might show a small amount of antibiotic activity, because each of the ingredients has been shown by other researchers to have some effect on bacteria in the lab,” said microbiologist Freya Harrison. “We were absolutely blown away by just how effective the combination of ingredients was.”

Although developed long before the formal scientific method emerged, such remedies could have benefited from extensive trial-and-error research to determine what worked best. Many other books survive from the period with other treatments that might be similarly effective, Dr Lee said. A global hunt for new weapons against antibiotic-resistant infections was launched last year, spearheaded by British Prime Minister David Cameron. The results of the research on Bald’s Eye Salve were presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for General Microbiology, in Birmingham yesterday.

Couple Face Charges for Comp Home Health Care Claim

Detectives from the California Department of Insurance arrested Gonzalo Sandoval, 51, and his ex-wife Socorro Lopez, 65, of Paramount, on multiple felony counts of workers’ compensation fraud including making a false claim to obtain compensation and attempted perjury.

Lopez allegedly submitted fraudulent claims close to $100,000 for in-home health care services she claimed she provided to Sandoval years after he injured his back at work. The couple both testified that the claims were true, although video footage taken of Sandoval contradicted the testimony.

In 2000, Sandoval sustained a work related injury to his back. In 2012, Sandoval’s ex-wife Socorro Lopez filed a lien with the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board against Liberty Mutual Insurance Company for $47,500 claiming she provided home health care services for Sandoval from 2010 to 2012. After filing the lien, Lopez and Sandoval both provided sworn statements regarding the home health care services performed. Video footage obtained by Liberty Mutual showed Sandoval performing activity that contradicted their testimony. A year later, in 2013, Lopez submitted an additional invoice to Liberty Mutual in the amount of $85,440 for services she provided from 2010 to 2013. Lopez received $41,000 she was not owed.

Sandoval was booked at the Inmate Reception Center in Los Angeles and Lopez was booked at Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood. Their bail is set at $30,000 each and both individuals are facing five years in state prison if convicted.

This case is being prosecuted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Another LA Probation Department Worker Faces Fraud Charges

On March 20, 2015 Kimberly Evans was arrested by Los Angeles County Probation Department’s Special Projects Team on three felony counts (550 (a)(6) PC Insurance Fraud, Count (2) 487 PC Grand Theft of Personal Property, Count (3) 72 PC Presentation of Fraudulent Claim Count) and one misdemeanor count (471.5 PC Alteration of a medical record). Evans’ actions resulted in obtaining compensation that she would not otherwise be entitled to.

Evans is a sworn peace officer with the Los Angeles County Probation Department and is assigned to a Juvenile Detention Facility as a Detention Services Officer. An investigation by the Special Projects Team revealed that Evans allegedly altered medical documentation resulting in a loss of $1,707.20 during the time period she claimed as “sick time” on her time card.

This is the latest arrest as the Los Angeles County Probation Department continues to beef up its Professional Standards Bureau to crack down on insurance fraud and employee misconduct. “Within the last year the Department added a Special Projects Team comprised of four supervisory level investigators” says Jennifer Kaufman, Senior Director, “These investigators are specially trained to recognize the signs of workers compensation and/or medical fraud.”

Evans was arrested on three felony counts and one misdemeanor count of Fraud. She was booked at the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s station in Santa Clarita and bail was set at $30,000. The Arraignment date is pending.

Employers Urge “Opt Out” Comp Nationwide

Nearly two dozen major corporations including Walmart, Nordstrom, and Safeway are listed as founding members of the Association for Responsible Alternatives to Workers’ Compensation (ARAWC), that has already helped write legislation in Tennessee. Richard Evans, the group’s executive director, told an insurance journal in November that the corporations ultimately want to change workers’ comp laws in all 50 states.

According to its website the group focuses on ensuring that employees receive the best possible care and employers have the choice to provide what is best for their employees. We call it an “Option.” “Option is our term for allowing employers to elect an alternative to traditional workers’ compensation insurance. Each state may have different requirements for employers that choose to exercise an Option, but the fundamental principles of any alternative are to improve access to quality health care, increase employee accountability, improve medical and return-to-work outcomes, and reduce claim costs. Allowing an Option creates competition that can reduce rates and drive improvements to the workers’ compensation system.”

Employers that opt out would still be compelled to purchase workers’ comp plans. But they would be allowed to write their own rules governing when, for how long, and for which reasons an injured employee can access medical benefits and wages. Two states, Texas and Oklahoma, already allow employers to opt out of state-mandated workers’ comp. In Texas, the only state that has never required employers to provide workers’ comp.

Now Sen. Mark Green, introduced the opt-out bill for Tennessee. Green’s proposal, which supporters are calling the Tennessee Option, bears many of the hallmarks of the Texas and Oklahoma system: It allows businesses to place strict spending caps on each injured worker and to pick and choose which medical expenses to cover. “We took the best of both and put it together to make it work for Tennessee businesses,” Green reported in an article published in the Insurance Journal. Oklahoma’s Legislature took four years to create its opt-out system. ARAWC hopes to achieve the same thing in Tennessee in a single legislative session and then it’s on to the next state.

These initiatives have spawned expected heated controversy. Mary Elizabeth Maddox, a Tennessee workers’ compensation attorney who represents both employers and employees and opposes Green’s bill, recalls a case in which a workplace accident paralyzed a 23-year-old man and confined him to a wheelchair. He sued her client, the employer. “For him, $300,000 is not going to go very far.” Gary Moore, president of the Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council, claims “This piece of legislation is designed as a cost-saving measure for the employer, Anywhere they save a dollar, it costs the employees a dollar. It’s just a shift in costs.”

Businesses can save millions of dollars by opting out and writing plans with narrow benefits, putting pressure on their competitors to do the same. “It creates a race to the bottom,” says Michael Clingman, a workers’ advocate in Oklahoma, which passed an opt-out measure in January 2014.

California has had for years its own “Carve-Out” program which allows some employers to opt out of the Workers’ Compensation system. “Carve-out” programs allow employers and unions to create their own alternatives for workers’ compensation benefit delivery and dispute resolution under a collective bargaining agreement. Eligibility of parties to participate in a program must be approved by the administrative director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation. The requirements to participate and the elements required to be in “carve-out” programs are contained in Labor Code section 3201.5 (for the construction industry) and Labor Code section 3201.7 (for all other industries), as well as California Code of Regulations, title 8, sections 10200-10204.

It remains to be seen if Opt Out programs gain traction nationally.