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The U.S. Department of Labor has published the final rule, “Federal Register – Improving Protections for Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States” effective on June 28, 2024.

The final rule strengthens protections for temporary agricultural workers by making several changes to H-2A program regulations to bolster the Department’s efforts to prevent adverse effect on workers in the U.S. and ensure that H-2A workers are employed only when there are not sufficient able, willing, and qualified U.S. workers available to perform the work.

These changes include empowering workers to advocate on behalf of themselves and their coworkers regarding working conditions; improving accountability for employers using the H-2A program; improving transparency and accountability in the foreign labor recruitment process; requiring seat belts in most vehicles used to transport workers; enhancing existing enforcement provisions; improving transparency into the nature of the job opportunity by collecting additional information about owners, operators, managers, and supervisors to better enforce program requirements; clarifying when a termination is “for cause” to protect essential worker rights; and revising provisions and codifying protections that are outdated, unclear, or subject to misinterpretation in the current regulations.

The final rule also strengthens protections for temporary agricultural workers when employers fail to properly notify workers that the start date of work is delayed, and clarifies and streamlines procedures to prevent noncompliant employers from using the Employment Service.

The Department of Labor will host a public webinar on Thursday, June 6, 2024, to educate employers, agricultural associations, farm labor contractors, farmworkers, advocates, and other interested members of the public on the changes to the H-2A and Wagner-Peyser Employment Service programs made by the 2024 Farmworker Protection Final Rule.

Participants of this webinar will learn from the Office of Foreign Labor Certification, the Office of Workforce Investment, and the Wage and Hour Division about the key aspects of this rule.

The Final Rule will become effective June 28, 2024, and OFLC will begin accepting applications subject to the provisions of this rule on August 29, 2024.

Additional Information

– – Final Rule: Improving Protections for Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States
– – Frequently Asked Questions
– – H-2A Employer’s Guide to the Final Rule “Improving Protections for Workers in Temporary Agricultural Employment in the United States”
– – Flyer: Protections for Workers Employed Under the H-2A Program (English and Spanish)
– – Flyer: Protections for U.S. Workers Under the H-2A Program (English and Spanish)
– – Proposed rule