Rene Thomas Folse, JD, Ph.D. is the host for this edition which reports on the following news stories: Failure to Comply With WCAB Rules Precludes Newly Discovered Evidence. Federal Judge Vacates New NLRB Joint Employer Rule. Arbitration Agreement Does Not Extend to Re-Employment Case. Emergency Ambulance Employees May Remain On-Call During Rest Breaks. Tesla-Freemont to Face Hostile Work Environment Claims in Multiple Forum. Bakersfield Sting Operation Cites 12 Unlicensed Contractors. More SoCal Poultry Processors Accused of Using Illegal Child Labor. DOL Issues New Rule on Employee Representation During OSHA Inspection. NSC Releases New Report on Safety Hazards in Crane Industry. WCIRB Reports on Impacts of Employee Tenure on Claim Frequency.