Rene Thomas Folse, JD, Ph.D. is the host for this edition which reports on the following news stories: Pervasive Bullying by U.C. Berkeley Women’s Soccer Coach Violates Unruh Act. Cal AG Files Amicus in SCOTUS Transportation Workers’ Arbitration Case. County of Ventura Prevails in Employee Overtime Pay Class Action. Exclusive Remedy Bars Suit for Worker’s Fatal Injuries on Business Trip. Labor Commissioner Reaches $1 Million Settlement in Wage Theft Case. Cal//OSHA May Obtain Search Warrant but Must Show Probable Cause. DWC Proposes Changes to QME Regulations. Decline in SAWW Means No TD/PD Rate Increases for 2024. Researchers Report on Healing Potential of Living Biobots and Anthrobots. UCLA Launches New Degree in Disability Studies.