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The Insurance Commissioner issued a May 24, 2023 Decision on the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) September 1, 2023 Regulatory Filing. Since then, the WCIRB has issued over 90 percent of the January 1, 2024 experience modifications (X-Mods) that insurers, agents/brokers and policyholders rely on for January policy renewals.

The following are several tools to access published X-Mods and check the status of a pending X-Mod. The WCIRB provides these tools for member insurers and their authorized third-party administrators (TPAs) and managing general agents (MGAs) as well as licensed agencies and brokerages. See the How to Access X-Mods: A Comparison of WCIRB Products chart for various ways to access X-Mods.

WCIRB Connect®  – Insurer and agent/broker users of WCIRB Connect can view the X-Mod for any policyholder. Authorized users may view and download a PDF of published experience rating worksheets (ratesheets). Insurers are also able to search their own policies for X-Mods that are pending due to missing data.

X-Mod Direct®  – X-Mod Direct allows Connect users to request an email when a new or revised X-Mod is issued for a policyholder. To set an alert, click the “Subscribe to X-Mod Direct” button in the ribbon at the top of the Policyholder Details screen.

Comprehensive Risk Summary (CRS)® Report  – Authorized users can quickly obtain detailed policyholder information in Connect with the CRS Report. The automated process will request authorization directly from the policyholder. The report includes the following information:

– – Up to 10 years of historical data
– – Primary policyholder name, address and Bureau Number
– – All classifications reported on policies that incepted within the last five years
– – WCIRB assigned classifications
– – All policyholder names and FEINs reported on policies that incepted within the last five years
– – All addresses and locations reported on all current policies
– – All exposure and loss details on policies that incepted within the last eight years

Visit the CRS Report page for more information.

X-Mods and More® – This API web service is for member insurers and their authorized TPAs and MGAs as well as licensed agencies and brokerages. It provides real-time, automated retrieval of the following information to assist in underwriting workers’ compensation policies in California:

– – X-Mods
– – Assigned classification codes
– – Previously reported policyholder names and addresses, FEINs and other information

See the X-Mods and More® Web Service User Guide. Additional ResourceSeptember 1, 2023 Regulatory Filing Documents