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Late last year, Mitchell, Genex and Coventry announced the creation of their new parent brand, Enlyte. This combination under the new Enlyte brand creates an organization in the Property & Casualty industry with technology innovation, clinical services and network solutions.

And Enlyte just released it’s new report on 2022 predictions for the workers’ compensation sector.

As we enter 2022 still mired in the COVID-19 pandemic, the workers’ compensation industry faces another challenging year, with payers continuing to cope with staffing shortages, evolving regulatory changes and more.

The Report is broken down into the following topics.

– – Staffing shortages throughout the country will affect a wide range of employers; insurance carriers and other claim organizations are facing this challenge as well. To reduce the risk associated with high turnover rates and onboarding new employees who have less industry experience than their predecessors, we anticipate the insurance industry will turn to technology, especially automation, to help fill some of the gaps.

– – The Mental Health Conversation Will Continue. Studies have shown the likelihood of injured employees being treated for depression are 45% greater than non-injured counterparts. And getting hurt on the job can increase the risk of mental hardship. “Having access to behavioral health specialists in workers’ compensation is no longer a ‘nice to have’ it’s a ‘must have’.”

– – Automation, Claims Staff Efficiency Will Be at the Forefront. As workers’ compensation payers continue to navigate challenges they are facing due to COVID-19, Enlyte anticipates many companies will focus on boosting claim staff efficiency through automation, outsourcing, technology and other tools in 2022.

– – The Pandemic Will Continue to Strain Hospitals, Providers. Shortages, combined with burnout among clinicians worn down by nearly two years of operating in full-time triage mode, limit the ability of some hospitals to offer the best care possible. Already, some non-urgent surgeries and other essential services are being postponed to accommodate COVID-19 patients.

– – Federal Regulatory and Legislative Changes Will Trickle Down to Workers’ Compensation. This year, the federal government will undertake major discussions on health-related topics including telemedicine and marijuana, that could have significant effects for the workers’ compensation industry.

– – The Regulatory Landscape Will Continue to Shift. In addition to the major initiatives happening at the federal level, there are a few other top-of-mind issue for 2022. While COVID-19-related regulatory changes, such as presumptions and vaccine mandates, will continue to take precedence, many state legislatures are playing catchup on the initiatives they had on the docket ahead of the pandemic.

– – Drug Price Transparency Will Be a Focus; Opioid and Addiction Concerns Will Continue. High-impact and specialty pharmaceuticals, drug-price transparency and regulation/price pressure, as well as continuing concerns around opioids and addiction, are just a few issues that will impact workers’ comp this year.

Details and embellishment of these topics can be obtained by reading the full Report on the Enlyte website.