Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) is a not-for-profit organization. It’s members include over 30 accomplished academics, professors, and scientists from the medical schools and related departments of our most prestigious universities, including Yale, Harvard, UCLA, UCSF, UCI and Brown.
These academics and scientists represent a cross section of every discipline relevant to the licensure of the Pfizer vaccine and include many of the best our country has to offer when it comes to reviewing and assessing the appropriateness and validity of the FDA’s decision-making in licensing of the Pfizer COVID Vaccine.
In furtherance of its mission, on August 27, 2021, PHMPT submitted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the FDA seeking all data and information pertaining to the application and approval of the Pfizer Vaccine. Federal law (21 C.F.R. § 601.51(e)) provides that: “After a license has been issued, the following data and information in the biological product file are immediately available for public disclosure unless extraordinary circumstances are shown.” PHMPT desires to perform its own independent analysis of the safety and efficacy the the vaccine, especially in light of the vaccine mandates being promulgated at the federal and state levels.
FOIA provides for “expedited processing of request for records” upon a showing of “compelling need.” PHMPT requested expedited processing of the FOIA Request, which was rejected by the FDA. Thus, PHMPT filed a lawsuit in federal court, seeking to obtain the data and information relied upon by the FDA to license the Pfizer Vaccine by way of expedited processing. The FDA denied the expedited processing request.
In the Second Joint Status Report following filing this case, the FDA assessed that there are more than 329,000 pages potentially responsive to the PHMPT FOIA request. The FDA asks that the Court limit the FOIA response to no more than 500 pages per month. This would be nearly 55 years or until about 2077.
PHMPT requests that the Court enter an order requiring the FDA to produce all documents on a rolling basis such that all of it shall be produced on or before March 3, 2022. The Court will at some point dictate the schedule.
Meanwhile, in the months following the August FOIA request, the FDA has managed to dribble out five documents by November 17, which are now on the PHMPT website. The most alarming of these is the “Cumulative Analysis Of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports Of Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021.” This document covers just three months of Adverse Events after commencement of marketing of the Vaccine (December 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021.
In that short time span which was in the first few months of the Vaccine roll out, Table 1 shows that Pfizer became aware of 1,223 deaths reported as a result of the Vaccine administration. Moreover, there were 42,086 Adverse Events as a result of the vaccine in total, with various outcomes between death (1,223), recovered.with sequela (520) and “recovered” (19,582).
In Table 7, there are 69 cases of confirmed (57) or probable (12) cases of acute kidney injury and renal failure. In section 3.1.4 the U.S. topped the charts in medical errors with US (1201), France (171), UK (138), Germany (88), Czech Republic (87), Sweden (49), Israel (45), Italy (42), Canada (35), Romania (33), Finland (21), Portugal (20), Norway (14), Puerto Rico (13), Poland (12), Austria and Spain (10 each) with ten of these “medical errors” reported as fatal.
The next scheduling conference is set for December 14, 2021, and it remains to be seen if the FDA will be compelled to deliver documents in a more expedited manner.