The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has issued a Notice of Public Hearing for a proposed evidence-based update to the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule (MTUS), which can be found at California Code of Regulations, title 8, section 9792.23.5. The Zoom public hearing is scheduled for Friday, September 17, at 10 a.m.
The proposed evidence-based update to the MTUS incorporate by reference the latest published guideline from American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) for the following:
– – Low Back Disorders (ACOEM February 13, 2020)
Two of the many recommendations in the new guideline illustrate the emphasis of early return to work as a treatment objective:
– – “Many invasive and noninvasive therapies are intended to cure or manage LBP, but no quality evidence exists that they accomplish this as successfully as therapies that focus on restoring functional ability without focusing on pain. In those cases, the traditional medical model of “curing” the patient does not work well. Instead, patients should be aware that returning to normal activities most often aids functional recovery.”
– – “Patients should be encouraged to accept responsibility for managing their recovery rather than expecting the provider to provide an easy “cure.” This process promotes the use of activity and function rather than pain as a guide, making the treatment goal of return to occupational and non- occupational activities more obvious.”
The proposed evidence-based update to the MTUS regulations are exempt from Labor Code sections 5307.3 and 5307.4 and the rulemaking provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. However, DWC is required under Labor Code section 5307.27 to have a 30-day public comment period, hold a public hearing, respond to all the comments received during the public comment period and publish the order adopting the update online.
Members of the public may review and comment on the proposed updates. Written comments must be submitted no later than September 17. Please see the proposed regulation page for direction for submitting written comments.
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