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The Division of Workers’ Compensation has issued an order updating the Medical Treatment Utilization Schedule Drug List effective November 1, 2020.

The update order adopts changes to the MTUS Drug List, based on the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) Practice Guidelines, which provide new drug recommendations addressed in the Depressive Disorders Guideline. The updated MTUS Drug List v.7 and the Administrative Director Order can be accessed on the DWC MTUS drug formulary webpage.
A drug listed as “Exempt” indicates the drug may be prescribed/dispensed without seeking authorization through Prospective Review if in accordance with MTUS. Examples of depressive disorder medications that are now exempt include the following brand names.

— Elavil.
— Wellbutrin, WellbutrinXL, WellbutrinSR.
— Anafranil.
— Pristiq.
— Sinequan.
— Cymbalta.
— Lexapro.
— Luvox.
— Tofranil.
— Marplan.
— Fetzima.
— Latuda.
— Ludiomil.
— Savella.
— Pamelor.
— Zyprexa.
— Symbyax.
— Paxil.
— Pexeva.
— Seroquel.
— Risperdal.
— Emsam.
— Parnate.
— Desyrel, Oleptro.
— Trintellix.
— Geodon.

DWC welcomes comment on the formulary drug list at