The California Workers’ Compensation Institute (CWCI) has released an online application to support interactive analyses and comparisons of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 claims. The application is available to the general public.
The new tool features integrated data from CWCI, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and the California Division of Workers’ Compensation, with detailed information on almost 600,000 reported claims for the first six months of accident years 2019 and 2020 – including 14,470 COVID-19 claims from accident year 2020. The application offers four areas of analysis that will let the user explore and analyze:
— COVID-19 claim counts by month with the ability to segment and filter results by industry, region, injured worker demographics and injury characteristics
— The declining volume of all reported workers compensation claims by industry and region
— Denial rates for COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 claims by month.
— The application provides detailed data on a dozen metrics, including claim volume and incidence, claimant demographics (gender and age), region, injury description (nature and cause of injury), payer type (insured vs. self-insured), and denial rates, In addition, users can also access claims data from the first half of AY 2019 in order to view and compare pre- and post-pandemic claims experience.
CWCI plans on regular refreshes of the application to keep it current as well as expanding the features and functions as additional data on claim type and average and system-wide cost become available.