Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) Administrative Director George Parisotto has appointed Jill A. Dulich to serve as a member of the Workers’ Compensation Ethics Advisory Committee. The appointment is effective July 1, 2020.
Jill A. Dulich will fill the position of a member of the public representing self-insured employers, previously held by Jim Zelko.
Dulich has been the Claims and Operations Manager for the California Self-Insurers’ Security Fund. In her role, she oversees the third party administrators that manage the claims that have been assigned to the Security Fund due to the default of a self-insured employer, as well as manages the daily administrative operations of the Fund. She also serves as the Executive Director for the National Council of Self-Insurers and for the California Self-Insurers Association.
Jim Zelko has been reappointed to the Committee, but in the position of a member of the public outside the workers’ compensation community in light of his recent retirement from Kaiser Foundation Health Plan.
The Ethics Advisory Committee, established in 1995 by Title 8, California Code of Regulations, section 9722, reviews all ethics complaints from the public against workers’ compensation administrative law judges.
The committee reviews all complaints without learning the names of complainants or judges, and then makes recommendations to the DWC Administrative Director and the Chief Judge. The members meet quarterly and serve without compensation.
The committee includes the following members: a member of the public representing organized labor; a member of the public representing insurers; a member of the public representing self-insured employers; an attorney who formerly practiced before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and who usually represented insurers or employers; an attorney who formerly practiced before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and who usually represented applicants; a presiding judge; a workers’ compensation administrative law judge (WCALJ) or retired WCALJ; and two members of the public outside the workers’ compensation community.
A judicial ethics complaint form and instructions can be found on the forms page of the DWC website.