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The WCIRB collects and validates classification data for all California employers. This data is critical to ensuring that policyholders engaged in common industries are similarly classified. It is also key to the publication of accurate experience modifications and the use of the data for ratemaking.

As part of this effort, the WCIRB’s team of Field Representatives conducts on-site reviews at policyholders’ business locations to gather a detailed description of the operations and to verify the classifications that apply to their business. Based on this review, the Field Representative prepares a Classification Inspection Report that is sent to the both policyholder and their current insurer.

Effective July 1, 2020, the WCIRB is expanding its Special Inspection Report program to allow agents and brokers to request a WCIRB physical inspection of their clients’ California business operations. This new service is in response to frequent inquiries from agents and brokers for the WCIRB to conduct a physical inspection in order to affirm the standard classification applicable to an employer’s business. Prior to July 1, 2020, only the insurer of record could make a request of the WCIRB to conduct one of these Special Inspections.

The fee for conducting a Special Inspection is $200 per location inspected. The WCIRB will invoice the requesting insurer, agent or broker, once all location inspections are completed and the reports pub-lished. The WCIRB typically completes and publishes Special Inspections within 30 days of the request.

To request a Special Inspection, an agent or broker must complete the Agents/Brokers Request for WCIRB Inspection of Insured – Form 501a (available via WCIRB Connect®) and submit it electronically to the WCIRB Contact Center. For agent and broker requests, the Contact Center will initiate a digital authorization from the policyholder to ensure that the policyholder approves of the request.

For more information about this service, please contact the WCIRB Contact Center at or 888.229.2472. A detailed overview of the WCIRB Classification Inspection Report can be found in the Learning Center on the WCIRB website at