All Division of Workers ’ Compensation (DWC) district offices, with the exception of the Eureka satellite and Bakersfield offices, are open. The Eureka office will remain closed until further notice. The Bakersfield office will be closed on Tuesday, March 24, and Wednesday, March 25, to perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection due to potential COVID-19 exposure.
The Bakersfield office will reopen on Thursday, March 26.
To ensure the safety of our employees, DWC will implement procedures in keeping with public health guidance on social distancing. Therefore, DWC will have limited staffing in each district office but will maintain all essential functions. DWC is closely monitoring the situation and will update the public of any changes.
DWC and WCAB announced March 16 that they are limiting court appearances to protect the health and safety of our staff and the community, in accordance with numerous public health orders suggesting that public gatherings be limited.
March 23 through April 3: DWC will hear expedited hearings for parties that appear at the district offices. DWC will also hear status conferences, mandatory settlement conferences and priority conferences via CourtCall only. If all parties do not appear via CourtCall the case will be continued and notice will be given. All other hearings will be continued. No trials or lien conferences will be heard during this time.
March 17 through April 3: DWC’s district offices are closed for filing purposes. Accordingly, all filing deadlines are extended to Monday, April 6. DWC will not accept walk-through documents, walk-in filings, or any in-person requests until the district offices reopen for filing purposes. The Division’s Medical Unit, Return-to-Work Supplement Program, Uninsured Employers Benefit Trust Fund and Legal Unit are open for essential services only and will have limited staffing during this time.
The WCAB Commissioners and staff are working remotely. The Commissioners’ office is closed to the public until further notice. Future updates will be issued through the Division’s website. Please continue to check the website for current status.