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The Sackler family, which grew into one of the nation’s wealthiest dynasties through sales of the widely abused painkiller OxyContin, could emerge from a legal settlement under negotiation with its personal fortunes largely intact, according to an analysis reviewed by The Washington Post and people familiar with the discussions.

Under a novel plan to relinquish control of their company, Purdue Pharma, and resurrect it as a trust whose main purpose would be to combat the opioid epidemic, the Sacklers could raise most, if not all, of their personal share of the $10 billion to $12 billion agreement by selling their international drug conglomerate, Mundipharma, according to the documents and those close to the talks.

The analysis reviewed by The Post offers previously undisclosed information about the proposed settlement.

The proposed settlement – built on the projected value of drugs not yet on the market – offers gains for both sides if the company and more than 2,000 cities, counties, states and others that have sued Purdue and the family can craft a deal.

Purdue would produce millions of doses of badly needed anti-addiction medication and overdose antidotes for the public, free of charge; the company would also contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and insurance policies that could be worth more; what’s left of the company, including its North Carolina production facility and other assets, would change hands.

Much of the benefit to the public would be funded by the continued sales of the powerful narcotic OxyContin, the abuse of which is blamed for contributing to the prescription opioid crisis that has killed more than 200,000 people since 1999.

The Stamford-Conn.-based Purdue Pharma would go into bankruptcy, and the Sacklers would be out of the drug business. They would be required to contribute $3 billion and possibly more, depending on the sale price of Mundipharma, their international drug company, over seven years.

But they would still retain much of their wealth. In fact, they might be able to keep billions of dollars that state attorneys general allege they pulled out of the company.

“No one is going to be happy after this,” said Adam J. Levitin, a Georgetown Law School professor who studies bankruptcy. “People are going to be mad that the Sacklers aren’t going to jail, that they will have money left.”

The Washington Post reviewed a detailed analysis of the settlement plan that has been valued at $10 billion to $12 billion. The plan has been at the heart of negotiations among the parties for many months. The material was confirmed by three people close to the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations.

If no deal is reached, Purdue is likely to declare bankruptcy in coming weeks, according to people familiar with the company’s strategy. A huge civil trial against Purdue and as many as two dozen drug companies is scheduled to begin in Cleveland on Oct. 21.

But the documents also indicate that if settlement talks fail and the Sacklers vote to send Purdue into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the plaintiffs might get as little as $1.2 billion from an auction of the business’s components.

In that scenario, plaintiffs would probably have to jockey for rights to Purdue’s assets. The process could generate enormous legal bills, possibly further reducing any payout to them.