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The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) has issued a notice of public hearing regarding proposed additions, amendments and repeals to its Rules of Practice and Procedure (Rules).

The public hearing is scheduled at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24 in Room 7 of the Elihu Harris State Office Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland. Members of the public may also submit written comments until 4 p.m. that day.

The purposes of this rulemaking are to organize articles to reflect the order of events in a case, eliminate duplicative rules, break up complex rules, simplify and modernize language of rules for clarity, and create some room between rules so that additional rules can be added in the future without need for decimals.

WCAB’s notice of the proposed rulemaking, the text of the proposed regulations and the initial statement of reasons can be found on its rulemaking page.

Although equal weight will be accorded to oral and written comments, WCAB prefers written comments submitted by email. Comments may be submitted by email to or by mail to:

Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board
Attention: Rachel E. Brill, Industrial Relations Counsel
P.O. Box 429459
San Francisco CA 94142-9459

WCAB will consider all timely public comments and encourages all interested members of the workers’ compensation community to participate in this important process.