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A nine-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department, whose last assignment was with the Valley Traffic Division, was arrested last week on suspicion of workers’ compensation fraud.

Jason Gordon, 48, of Los Angeles County was arrested on Jan. 17 on a felony arrest warrant related to workers’ compensation fraud and attempted perjury, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

Pully, 51, was an 18-year city employee who filed a medical compensation claim in 2016.

The LAPD’s Special Operations Division Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit conducted an investigation that began when Gordon filed a medical claim in 2015, authorities said.

Investigators worked with the L.A. County District Attorney’s Healthcare Fraud Division and the L.A. City Attorney’s Office to established probable cause to believe Gordon “knowingly engaged” in physical workout activities.

Authorities said Gordon performed activities inconsistent with his claimed injury while on temporary totally disabled status.

“Thus he received benefits to which he was not entitled,” authorities said.

Gordon was booked and released after posting $40,000 bail.

Authorities said the the Workers Compensation Fraud Unit was expanded in late 2008 to investigate fraud and other allegations involving abuse of benefits by city employees.

Gordon is the second LAPD employee to be arrested on suspicion of committing workers comp fraud in the last few weeks.

Gerald Pully, who was last assigned to the LAPD’s Records and Identification Division, was arrested on Jan. 11, on suspicion of exaggerating the extent of his injuries while receiving benefits from the police department on Jan. 11.