The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has issued a notice of public hearing regarding a proposed addition and amendments to its Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Lien claims must be filed electronically on a form approved by the WCAB. (Lab. Code, § 4903.05(a); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 8, §10770(b)(1)(A).)
Senate Bill (SB) 1160 (Stats. 2016, ch. 868) amended Labor Code section 4903.05 to require section 4903(b) lien claimants to file an original bill and a declaration that includes information regarding the type of services provided by the lien claimant. To effectuate these legislative changes, the WCAB proposes amending rule 10770 and adopting rule 10770.7.
A lien claimant’s failure to timely file this declaration shall result in the dismissal of the lien with prejudice by operation of law per Labor Code section 4903.05(c)(3). This rulemaking will mandate use of an e-filed declaration form in order to ensure uniform procedures for lien claimants who first file their liens after January 1, 2017 and current lien claimants who are required to file a declaration by July 1, 2017.
The public hearing is scheduled on Wednesday, January 4 at 10 a.m. in the Milton Marks Conference Center, Santa Barbara Room of the Hiram Johnson State Office Building at 455 Golden Gate Avenue in San Francisco. Members of the public may also submit written comment on the proposed rules amendments until 5 p.m. that day.
The notice, draft regulations text and initial statement of reasons are posted online.
Comments may be submitted by e-mail to or they may be mailed to: Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Attention: Annette Gabrielli, Regulations Coordinator P.O. Box 429459 San Francisco CA 94142-9459.
Although equal weight will be accorded to oral and written comments, the WCAB prefers written comments to oral testimony and prefers written comments submitted by e-mail. If written comments are timely submitted, it is not necessary to present oral testimony at the public hearing.