The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Carrie Nevans Community Service Awards which will be presented at the 24th annual educational conference luncheons in February (Los Angeles) and March (Oakland) of 2017.
The awards, which began in 2010, were renamed in memory and honor of Carrie Nevans, the much respected acting administrative director who passed away in 2011.
Nominations should be made for those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the betterment of the workers’ compensation community in the highest professional manner. DWC will honor the Southern California recipient in Los Angeles and the Northern California recipient in Oakland during an award ceremony at the educational conference luncheons.
Last year both recipients were commissioners on the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation (CHSWC). This 2016 award recipient in Southern California was Martin Brady, the Schools Insurance Authority executive director. And Christy Bouma, Capitol Connection president, was the Northern California recipient.
Martin Brady is the executive director of the Schools Insurance Authority in Sacramento, where he has worked since 1998. He was appointed by the Governor to CHSWC in 2012 to represent employers. Over the course of his career, Mr. Brady has also served as a member of the California Joint Powers Authority, the California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation, the Public Agency Risk Managers Association, the Public School Risk Institute, the Association of Governmental Risk Pools, and the Public Risk Management Association. He has worked tirelessly to ensure that public employer needs and concerns are addressed in the workers’ compensation system, including in the SB 863 reforms, and he has been instrumental in supporting programs to prevent workers’ compensation injuries that have helped to reduce costs for employers and protect California employees.
Christy Bouma is the president of Capitol Connection in Sacramento. She was appointed by the Governor to CHSWC in 2012 to represent labor. Ms. Bouma has supported the California Professional Firefighters, the California School Employees Association government advocacy team, the State Building and Construction Trades Council, and the Service Employees International Union on special legislative projects. She is affiliated with the Institute of Government Advocates, the Leadership California Institute, and the CompScope Advisory Committee of the Workers’ Compensation
Please complete the 2017 nomination form for next years award, and send to Wendy So at no later than January 13, 2017.