Mia Chang, 51, former insurance broker and owner of Lotte Insurance Services, collected full payment for an annual workers’ compensation insurance policy and pocketed a majority of the victim’s premium, forwarding only a small amount to the insurer and leaving the business owner without coverage and at considerable financial risk. Lotte Insurance Services was located at Wilshire Center at 3470 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90010.
After receiving a letter from a collection agency for nonpayment of premium, the victim contacted Chang who assured him there had been an error, that he was still insured and issued him a bogus insurance certificate.
The victim remained suspicious, contacted the insurance company and discovered he had been uninsured for several months. The victim contacted Chang and asked her to return the money, but she ignored his request and shortly after, closed her business and disappeared.
Unaware of the resources available to help him, the victim did not file a complaint with the California Department of Insurance until two years after the premium theft was discovered. By the time the victim requested help, the department had already revoked Chang’s license and she was convicted of grand theft for stealing premiums from five businesses and one individual. The department launched a new investigation and a warrant for Chang’s arrest was issued, which she evaded for over three years until investigators located and arrested her in La Quinta in June 2015.
Chang pleaded no contest and was sentenced to three years formal probation and 200 hours of community service.Just moments after being sentenced Chang returned $19,218 in stolen premiums with interest to the owner of a sizable construction company. This case was prosecuted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.