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Federal law enforcement agents in Medford Oregon arrested a California couple charged with marketing unapproved medical devices that were claimed to treat ailments ranging from ulcers to AIDS.

Special agents from the Medford office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested David Perez and Sandra Perez at an apartment in the 2300 block of Bromley Street in Medford on warrants issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. An indictment claims the couple and co-defendant Beth Campbell have sold almost $700,000 worth of “biofrequency” devices under the brand name Energy Wave. Both husband and wife are charged with conspiracy, sale of adulterated devices, the sale of misbranded devices, acting to cause the shipment of adulterated or misbranded devices and making false statements.

The devices, which prosecutors say were manufactured by an un-indicted co-conspirator in his Southern California home, consist of a small computer-controlled generator connected to metal cylinders intended to be held by the user. “Users were provided with an operating manual and a listing of ‘Auto Codes’ that set forth hundreds of digital settings for the device directed to specific conditions such as abdominal pain, AIDS, diabetes, stroke, ulcer and worms,” the indictment says.

The devices apparently were not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and prosecutors say the Perezes took extra care to hide their activities from the agency, registering their website in the Philippines and uploading the devices’ instructions to the Internet instead of including them in the box. According to the indictment, David Perez had previously been a partner in California-based CGNI Inc., the owners of which were convicted in 2011 of selling a product called the “Detox Box,” which prosecutors say was almost identical to the Energy Wave.

The Perezes were released from custody in Medford after posting $25,000 bonds, court records show.