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The Division of Workers’ Compensation has adopted and filed an amendment to the official medical fee schedule (OMFS) with the Secretary of State. The amended regulation reiterates the applicable dates of fee schedule provisions that are declaratory of existing laws; addresses the operating disproportionate share hospital (DSH) adjustments to inpatient hospitals; addresses the inpatient hospital outlier payments for eligible transfer cases; updates inpatient hospital factors to 2014, and makes minor adjustments to various sections of the OMFS.

The regulation amends title 8, California Code of Regulations sections, and is effective March 5, 2015. The regulation can be found on the DWC website’s rulemaking page.

The DWC has also issued an administrative director (AD) order adjusting the inpatient hospital section of the OMFS to conform to changes in the 2015 Medicare payment system as required by Labor Code section 5307.1. The effective date of the changes is March 5, 2015. Although 2014 update factors were adopted in the OMFS rulemaking (discussed above) with the same effective date of March 5, 2015, the 2015 update factors adopted by this AD order should be used for dates of discharge on or after March 5, 2015.

Further information and adjustments to the inpatient hospital section of the OMFS can be found on the DWC website’s OMFS page.