The changes to theMedical Provider Network (MPN) regulations became effective on August 27, 2014. The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) is required to assign a unique MPN ID number to each approved MPN within 90 days of the effective date of the revised MPN regulations. The assigned MPN ID number for each approved MPN can be found on the DWC website in the “DWC Assignment of Unique Medical Provider Network Identification Numbers” report. Please note an MPN ID number has been assigned to all MPNs that have been approved regardless of their current approval status.
The DWC will no longer accept paper submissions of MPN Applications, Plans for Reapproval, or Notice of Medical Provider Network Plan Modifications. All submissions to the DWC must be on compact discs or flash drives in a word-searchable PDF format. The updated fillable form Cover Page for Medical Provider Network Application or Plan for Reapproval [DWC Mandatory Form – Section 9767.4 – 08/14] and the updated fillable form Notice of Medical Provider Network Plan Modification §9767.8 [DWC Mandatory Form – Section 9767.8 – 8/14] can be found online.
Although the filing of a Notice of Medical Provider Network Plan Modification is only required for a material change to an MPN as set forth in §9767.8, all MPNs must comply with the amended MPN regulations. Current MPNs must be prepared to provide the DWC with an explanation of how they are complying, if requested. For example, MPNs should be able to provide the URL to their Internet website and their roster of treating physicians if requested by DWC. In addition, MPNs should be able to provide MPN medical access assistant contact information if requested by DWC.
The DWC is currently updating the MPN FAQs and will post the revised FAQs soon.