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A 64-year-old King City man pleaded guilty Tuesday to falsely obtaining workers’ compensation and disability benefits, according to the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office. Jorge Silva pleaded guilty specifically to two counts of making a false statement for the purpose of obtaining workers’ compensation benefits, one count of making a false statement for disability benefits and one count for the use of false documents. Silva entered his plea under the condition he would be placed on felony probation, prosecutors said. He is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 12.

The 64-year-old was employed as an irrigation foreman for a local ranch until March 14, 2012, when he was unable to renew the driver’s license necessary for the job. A month after his termination, Silva alleged he sustained multiple injuries to his left ankle, left knee, left leg, neck, back and right wrist during the course of his employment. He claimed the injuries were cumulative between January 1992 and March 2012. On two occasions, Silva testified under oath he hadn’t worked since his termination.

The employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier discovered Silva was working at another local farm during the time he claimed to have been unemployed. Undercover surveillance confirmed the discovery. Silva also illegally collected state disability benefits from the Employment Development Department under a Social Security number that was not his and provided different Social Security numbers to each of his employers.

Restitution can be ordered in each case and can include attorney’s fees and the cost of investigation. in Silva’s case, the estimated restitution is $37,477.05. The EDD has indicated a loss of $26,208.