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The Office of Administrative Law approved the new Independent Medical Review (IMR) and Independent Bill Review ( IBR) regulations . Both sets of regulations were filed with the Secretary of State on February 1 2 , 2014 and are effective immediately . Prior to March 1, 2014, any version of the IMR Application form adopted by the Administrative Director under section 9792. 10.2 may still be used.

The final IMR regulations include revisions to the IMR application form and improved instructions .Clarification that IMR determination cannot be based solely on information provided by a UR determination . And provisions for penalties to be assessed against a claims administrator for failure to timely produce medical records

The final IBR regulations include revisions to the forms used by providers to request a second bill review and IBR . Limitations on the consolidation of separate IBR requests to 20 requests . Required index of supporting documentation . And updated versions of the Electronic Medical Billing and Payment Companion Guide a s well as the California Division of Workers’ Compensation Medical Billing and Payment Guide ..