The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) has posted an order adjusting the Physician Services and Non-Physician Practitioner Services section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule to conform to changes made to the Medi-Cal Rates database effective for services on or after February 15, 2014.
Medi-Cal updates its rates file on the 15th of every month, and posts it on the 16th. DWC will be issuing an Administrative Director’s Order every month to adopt the updated Medi-Cal rates file for services effective on or after the 15th of the month. Future routine monthly Administrative Director Orders to adopt the Medi-Cal rates file will be issued without a newsline notification.
Please consult the website for the relevant Medi-Cal rates file by date of service. The order adopting the adjustment, the updated regulations, and the table can be found on the DWC website.