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Two veteran Los Angeles Police Department officers were arrested this week after an investigation by the department’s Workers’ Compensation Fraud Unit. The story in the Daily News claims that investigators working with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office determined that the officers had provided false testimony during depositions related to their industrial injury claims.

One of the police officers who was arrested was Jonathan Hall, a 19-year- old veteran last assigned to the Emergency Services Division. He surrendered Wednesday in response to an arrest warrant listing four felony counts of workers compensation fraud, insurance fraud, grand theft and attempted perjury, police said. Bail for the 45-year-old officer was set at $80,000. He is assigned to home pending the outcome of the criminal and administrative investigators.

Also arrested was Ralph Mendoza, a 13-year veteran, last assigned to the Hollenbeck Division patrol. He surrendered on an arrest warrant listing two felony counts of workers’ compensation fraud and grand theft. Mendoza, 44, who lives in San Bernardino County, was held on $40,000 bail. He has been relieved of duty pending the outcome of an investigation.

“Public trust is at the very core of the police profession, and when that trust is violated we must employ every measure to restore it,” said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. “I am troubled whenever our officers are accused of violating that trust. As the chief, it is my duty to ensure that we fully investigate these cases of alleged misconduct and to take appropriate action when the misconduct is found to be true.”

Anyone with information related to this or any other case was asked to call the LAPD’s Special Operations Division at (213) 473-5672.