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In 2008, Brandon Clark suffered back, head, neck and chest injuries when he fell from a roof while working for South Coast Framing. Brandon’s workers’ compensation physician prescribed amitriptyline, gabapentin (Neurontin) and hyrdrocodone (Vicodin) for his injuries. Brandon was also taking Xanax and Ambien, which were prescribed by his personal physician in January 2009. Xanax was prescribed for “ongoing anxiety,” and Ambien was prescribed for sleeping difficulties. Brandon’s personal physician noted that Brandon was “having problems sleeping. This [was] occurring at least 3 or 4 times a week . . . . During these times, [Brandon was] not aware of anxiety or . . . pain.”

In July 2009, Brandon died from the combined effects of amitriptyline, gabapentin, Xanax and Ambien, and associated early pneumonia. Brandon’s wife, Jovelyn Clark, and their three minor children filed a claim for death benefits alleging the death was the result of the injury and industrially prescribed medications.

The claimant supported her claim with the report of Dr. Bressler who concluded that “[Brandon’s] death was secondary to an accidental overdose.” In reaching this conclusion, Dr. Bressler stated, “[t]he specific combination of medicines [Brandon] was on, which included Xanax, Ambien, Flexeril, Neurontin, amitriptyline, and hydrocodone, all separately and in combination had the capacity to induce respiratory depression, and even respiratory arrest.” Thus there was a mixed cause of both industrial and non-industrially prescribed medications.

However the agreed medical examiner, Dr. Thomas C. Bruff, had a more detailed analysis of the interaction of the industrial and non-industrial drugs. “While there is some difference of opinion on therapeutic and toxic levels of the medications in this particular case, several conclusions can be made. While [Brandon] was prescribed a number of medications only amitriptyline, zolpidem, alprazolam, gabapentin, and acetaminophen were found in peripheral blood specimen. Gastric specimens showed both alprazolam and zolpidem. It is my opinion that gabapentin did not have a role in this particular case. Amitriptyline was prescribed in such low dose, and bloods levels show that the medication was likely taken as prescribed. However, zolpidem [(Ambien)] and alprazolam [(Xanax)] was found in excess of what would be normally considered peripheral blood concentrations. Both these medications work in a similar fashion and would be considered at least additive in their effects. It is my opinion in the case of [Brandon] that it is just this additive effect of zolpidem and alprazolam that caused sedation significant enough to result in the events leading to his death.”

“For clarity, it is my opinion that [Brandon] passed away as a result of the additive drug interaction between zolpidem and alprazolam. The two additional medications present in the bloodstream, gabapentin and amitriptyline, were not high enough to result in any coincident drug interaction.”

During his deposition Dr. Bruff recognized the limitations of toxicology by noting that mixtures of drugs are difficult to quantify. After repeatedly being pushed to calculate the percentage of amitriptyline’s contribution to Brandon’s death, Dr. Bruff stressed that no medical person could offer a precise percentage because “it would be closing your eyes and throwing a dart at a dartboard.”

A workers’ compensation judge concluded that Brandon Clark died as a result of medications he took after suffering an industrial injury. South Coast and its insurance carrier, Redwood Fire and Casualty Company administered by Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies petitioned for writ of review after the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board denied reconsideration of the WCJ’s decision in favor of Brandon’s wife and children.  The Court of Appeal in the unpublished case of South Coast Framing v WCAB (Clark) concluded that the Board erred in denying reconsideration because the WCJ’s decision was not supported by substantial evidence. A physician’s report and testimony must demonstrate his opinion is based on “reasonable medical probability.” The Court supported the reversal on the following analysis.

“Here, Dr. Bruff admitted that it is difficult to make a “reasonable medical analysis” regarding amitriptyline’s precise contribution to Brandon’s death. He also stated that making that kind of determination ‘really gets to be speculative.’  Liberally construing Dr. Bruff’s testimony and report in its totality, we conclude the evidence did not establish industrial causation. Rather, the evidence demonstrates that if amitriptyline played a role at all, it was not significant such that it constituted a material factor contributing to Brandon’s death.”

“Lastly, we note that there is some dispute regarding whether Brandon was taking Ambien due to his industrial injury. Jovelyn testified that Brandon had trouble sleeping before his industrial injury and used Tylenol PM to help him sleep. However, the Tylenol PM was not working. In January 2009, Brandon’s personal physician prescribed him Ambien for his sleeping difficulties. The physician noted that Brandon was not experiencing pain during the times he had trouble sleeping. Brandon’s medical record indicates that around the same time, he used “pain medication mostly at night to help him get comfortable for sleep.” Based on our review of the record, the evidence is insufficient to establish that Brandon used Ambien as a result of pain from his industrial injury.”

Accordingly, the order denying reconsideration was annulled and the matter is remanded to the Board with directions to enter a new order denying the claim.