In a Decision dated October 17, 2013, the California Insurance Commissioner approved a number of changes to the California Workers’ Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan-1995 (USRP), the California Workers’ Compensation Experience Rating Plan-1995 (ERP), and the Miscellaneous Regulations for the Recording and Reporting of Data – 1995 (Misc Regs) effective January 1, 2014. Revised versions of these publications reflecting the Insurance Commissioner’s Decision are now available on the WCIRB website.
In addition, the WCIRB has published updated advisory plan information including updated California Hazard Group Assignments and Loss Elimination Ratios, and updated versions of the California Small Deductible Plan, California Insolvent Insurer Rating Adjustment Plan, and California Basic Underwriting Manual. These advisory plans and supplemental tables are published as a convenience for WCIRB members and do not bear the official approval of the Insurance Commissioner.
Advisory Plans
California Insolvent Insurer Rating Adjustment Plan Effective January 1, 2014
California Small Deductible Plan Effective January 1, 2014
California Large Risk Deductible Plan Effective January 1, 2013
California Retrospective Rating Plan Effective January 1, 2013
California Basic Underwriting Manual Effective January 1, 2014
Related Information
WCIRB Quick Reference Guide 2014
Commissioner Issues Decision on 2014 Rate Filing
Commissioner Issues Decision on Regulatory Filing