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An FBI affidavit, filed under seal in U.S. District Court in Sacramento,and obtained and now publicized by news media lays out part of the government’s case against California state Sen. Ronald Calderon in order to justify a raid of his office. According to the FBI affidavit, State Sen. Ronald Calderon allegedly accepted $60,000 in bribes from an undercover FBI agent during an elaborate sting operation. The document says there was also probable cause to believe that Calderon “participated in a separate bribery scheme with Michael D. Drobot,” the chief executive officer of Pacific Hospital of Long Beach. The lawmaker allegedly accepted $28,000 from Drobot in exchange for “supporting legislation that would delay or limit changes in California’s workers compensation laws.” The affidavit alleges both Tom and Ron Calderon were involved in the bribery scheme with Michael Drobot, owner of Pacific Hospital of Long Beach, which specializes in spinal surgery for injured workers. The FBI said it believed Drobot was involved “in large-scale health care fraud,” including paying kickbacks to surgeons who performed spinal fusion surgeries.

The alleged arrangement was that Ron Calderon would limit or kill workers’ compensation legislation that would restrict profitable spinal surgeries at the hospital, and Drobot would pay him $28,000 in bribes, “disguised” as payments for a job to Ron Calderon’s son, Zachary. The affidavit also notes that Drobot paid Tom Calderon $10,000 a month as a consultant.

The affidavit lists three bills the FBI alleges were influenced by Ron Calderon on behalf of Drobot. It said de León amended one bill at Calderon’s request so it would have less impact on Drobot’s business.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Jeffrey Rutherford, an attorney for Drobot, denied the allegations involving his client. “Any allegation that Mr. Drobot engaged in wrongdoing with respect to Ron Calderon is baseless,” Rutherford said.

The FBI affidavit also alleges that Ron and Tom Calderon had a meeting with Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, and persuaded him to drop a second bill that “would have disrupted Drobot’s health care fraud scheme.” The Calderons’ brother, then an assemblyman, made the August 2012 motion to have the bill sent to the inactive file, according to the affidavit.

A third bill, carried in 2012 by de León, allowed separate reimbursements for spinal devices to continue through 2013. The bill passed overwhelmingly, and Ron Calderon was one of the few lawmakers to oppose it. But he allegedly told the FBI undercover agent that he and Tom Calderon had been influential in getting language inserted that was more advantageous to Drobot.

Ultimately, Ron Calderon allegedly asked the undercover agent to make a political contribution to de Leon at a fundraiser, scheduled in conjunction with a prize fight in Las Vegas. According to the agent, Calderon made the suggestion because de León had complained that he had not been rewarded for dropping the implant legislation. “I don’t mind helping, but I haven’t seen any help,” Calderon quoted de León as saying, according to the affidavit.

“That’s false and the investigation will bear that out,” de León’s chief of staff Dan Reeves told The Sacramento Bee. He said the U.S. attorney has “made clear” that de León is not a target of the investigation.

No charges have been brought against anyone and no arrests have been made at this time.