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There remains a great number of unanswered questions about the IMR process. Now there is a convenient opportunity to answer some of these questions.The DWC has scheduled a free webinar on the Independent Medical Review Electronic Submission Feature on Tuesday, Nov. 5 , 2013 from 10 AM to 12 PM. The DWC and Maximus Federal Services invite claims administrators and others to attend a two-hour web training on the Independent Medical Review ( IMR ) process .

This webinar provides attendees with a working concept for the planned IMR electronic submission feature. Space is limited and pre-registration is required to attend this free webinar meeting. The meeting will use the GoToMeeting web platform. Thus, claims administrators across the country can attend provided they have a suitable computer and web access.

DWC and Maximus Federal Services will also address questions that relate to the current IMR process during the webinar. Please submit questions prior to the webinar by sending an email to no later than Friday , Nov. 1 , 2013.