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Floyd, Skeren and Kelly LLP is pleased to announce its Northern California Annual Employment Law Conference, which will feature keynote speakers Christine Baker, Director of the Department of Industrial Relations and Phyllis W. Cheng, Director of the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH).

The conference will be held on November 7, at the South San Francisco Conference Center.

This is an all-day event, designed for employers, managers, claims adjusters, risk managers, attorneys, and any other professionals associated with human resources and employment law. The conference will provide helpful guidance related to numerous workplace topics, including: the new California disability regulations (which impact an employer’s policies on reasonable accommodation, the interactive process and leaves of absence); the new comprehensive pregnancy disability regulations; a workers’ compensation update, focusing in on the latest developments related to SB 863; an overview of important OSHA workplace requirements and procedures; a review of 6 critical steps an employer can take to avoid costly employment related lawsuits; and, an update on the evolving role of social media in the workplace.

Ms. Cheng will discuss the important new disability and pregnancy regulations in effect as of January 2013. The new disability regulations significantly expand the protections for disabled workers and set forth new employer obligations and requirements related to disability discrimination, reasonable accommodation, the interactive process, job descriptions, and medical certifications. The new pregnancy disability regulations greatly expand the protections afforded to employees disabled by pregnancy including new notice requirements and an expanded list of conditions that constitute a pregnancy disability. Ms. Cheng will review key provisions of the new regulations, what is new for employers, the DFEH’s enforcement perspective, and employer best practices for ensuring compliance.

Ms. Baker will co-present with David W. O’Brien, Esq., Retired Workers’ Compensation Administrative Law Judge. They will provide a workers’ compensation update focusing in on the latest developments pertaining to SB 863 and new case law.

Visit for more information and online registration.