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The Office of Self Insurance Plans (OSIP) launched a new e-filing portal for public self-insured annual reports. This new feature enables public agencies to submit their employer’s annual reports and workers compensation claims totals electronically. Both reports are required by regulation and must be filed annua lly by October 1st.

“This e-filing tool provides a faster, more efficient method for public agencies to meet their requirements for self-insurance,” said Christine Baker, Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). OSIP is a program within DIR.

A user’s guide is posted online containing detailed instructions on how to access the portal, as well as short cuts for e – filers . The OSIP office also mailed u ser IDs and passwords to the registered contact persons for each agency last week . The e-filing portal can be found here.

Self-Insured Public agencies in California employ approximately 1.9 million employees. One of every eight California workers is employed by a public agency, such as a school district, city, county, police, fire, university, local district or member of a joint power authority.

OSIP is responsible for the oversight and regulation of workers compensation self-insurance within California . OSIP establishes and insures that required security deposits are posted by self insurers in amounts sufficient to collateralize against potential defaults by self-insured employers and groups