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The WCIRB announced that it is on schedule for a July 22 deployment of the second phase of its new STAR operating system. This latest release of STAR builds upon the first phase of the system, which was rolled out in September 2012 and supports the WCIRB’s unit statistical report (USR) collection and experience rating functions. Phase 2 gives the WCIRB new policy data management tools, which will enable electronic policy data reporting for insurers. It also includes the initial release of STAR Online – a new online service for insurers to manage USR data submissions, correspondence and more.

With this deployment, the WCIRB can begin decommissioning its mainframe system and, in conjunction with the online services provided via STAR Online, will be positioned to provide new operational efficiencies for member insurers and new products and services for all WCIRB stakeholders.

Phase 2 of STAR will be deployed over the weekend of July 19-21. In the days preceding the cutover, the WCIRB will resolve as many open policy inquiries as possible. On July 12, the WCIRB will process its last policy submission in its mainframe and, between July 15 and July 22, no new policies will be processed. During this period, the WCIRB will continue to process USRs and publish experience ratings and classification inspection reports. For additional information concerning the rollout of STAR phase 2, refer to WCIRB Bulletin 2013-11.

The initial release of STAR Online provides insurers access to their USRs, experience rating worksheets, an online queue for managing and resolving USR audit errors, and various tools for benchmarking and managing USR submissions. Later in 2013, STAR Online will expand to provide insurers access to their policy data, classification inspection reports and test audit results. It will also provide licensed agents and brokers with access to experience modifications and classification information.

Insurer enrollment for the STAR Online system has begun. For details about the new STAR Online system or to learn how to begin the enrollment process, see the STAR Online Brochure or visit the STAR Online Enrollment page on

When fully deployed, STAR Online will completely replace the services provided by; however, is not impacted by the first release of STAR Online and will continue to operate normally. Until STAR Online is completely deployed later in 2013, insurers may find it necessary to have a STAR Online and a user account.

For STAR Online enrollment information, contact

For general questions regarding the STAR system or the cutover process, please contact the WCIRB Customer Service department at or by calling 888.229.2472.