On June 29, 2013, DWC will begin requiring lien claimants to use a Uniform Assigned Name (UAN ). This is a uniform naming convention which ensures that parties are properly associated to cases in EAMS, and is currently used by attorneys and claims administrators. After June 29, 2013, a lien claimant must use a UAN when electronically filing a Notice and Request for Allowance of Lien and Application for Adjudication or their attempt to do so will result in failure. This requirement will extend to OCR filed documents on July 1, 2013.
Most e-form filers already use a quasi UAN to access their DWC case files in EAMS, and aid them in paying lien filing and activation fees. The quasi UANs will convert to mandated UANs automatically. However, it is advised that e-form filers check on the UAN registry page to ensure that their UANs have been properly converted.
Lien claimants that do not have a UAN or do not recall their UAN should contact the Central Registration Unit at CRU@dir.ca.gov . Please enclose your letterhead attachment to the email. Lien claimant UANs are also posted on the DWC website.