The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) today posted three documents to provide the public with tools which assess proposed rulemaking on the Official Medical Fee Schedule.
The first document is a revised RAND working paper, providing a quality assurance review of the impact for a transition to a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) based physician fee schedule. The revised working paper includes updated impact tables, revised estimated transition conversion factors, and an explanation of the changes made.
The other documents include a detailed impact file intended for public use as well as a supporting document with a description of the data elements included. The impact file is a comprehensive data table which allows members of the public to focus on specific components of the proposed changes.
“I am pleased to provide this impact file so that stakeholders can better assess areas that are of specific interest to them. I believe providing this data file improves the opportunity for meaningful public participation in the rulemaking process,” said Christine Baker, Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). DWC is a division of DIR.
The revised RAND working paper and the public use data file can be found on the proposed regulations page.