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Shade, water, and breaks. These are just some of the state requirements employers must provide to their outdoor workers. Employers who fail to do so are penalized with an order that stops all outdoor operations. This summer, Cal-OSHA has already issued 2 prohibiting orders to California employers. The first was at Etchegaray Farms in Tulare County after a field worker was found unresponsive in what’s being investigated as a possible heat-related death.

The second was at Reitz Ranches in Fresno County. The order was still in effect Monday morning after inspectors found no shade, drinking water, or a first aid kit on hand earlier this month.

Ag leaders say there are no excuses for businesses not in compliance. “No matter how many classes you take, how much you train and materials, there’s going to be some businesses that aren’t going to follow the rules. And when they get caught, they need to pay the penalty,” said Manuel Cunha, Nisei Farmers League. Cunha says the ag industry is doing better to prevent heat-related illnesses. “Farmers and farm labor contractors change their schedules, starting earlier, and getting done at 12 or 1 o clock the latest.

Still, inspectors will be out to make sure heat-related illnesses are prevented. And even though Cal-OSHA is still investigating many of these heat-related cases, they can still issue citations.