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After claiming for three years she damaged her hand desperately enough she was unable to even drive, a field worker pleaded guilty Tuesday to making false statements that allowed her to reap the benefits of workers’ compensation.

According to the story in the Salinas Californian, video surveillance capturing Ema Pantoja, 52, of Greenfield, performing activities inconsistent with her testimony provided the fodder necessary for the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office to file charges for insurance fraud, according to a release.

In January 2007, Pantoja alleged she sustained an injury to her left wrist and elbow while working in the fields owned by Scheid Vineyards. Although she received medical treatment and returned to work, by May 2007 Pantoja told an investigator she was unable to do anything with her lefthand, a premise she repeated to multiple doctors.

On May 7, 2008, Pantoja testified at a hearing about her physical limitations. She continued to receive medical treatment until May 2010.

Although Pantoja stated she couldn’t even drive and was forced to wear a wrist brace at all times, she was caught on tape performing impossible activities if her injury were true, according to the release.

She will be sentenced by Judge Larry Hayes on June 27. Insurance fraud as a felony carries a maximum penalty of five years in the California Department of Corrections and a fune of up to $150,000 or double the fraud amount. In addition, she may be on the hook for restitution which can include attorney’s fees and the cost of investigation.