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Sacramento County District Attorney Jan Scully said on her Facebook page that Ryan Patrick Wenker, 35, was convicted of making a false statement to fraudulently obtain compensation.

After Wenker claimed that he was hurt, Facebook posts and video surfaced, along with his standings in a bike race that took place May 12, 2010 in Prairie City, according to documents that were part of an investigation done by the Department of Corrections. The bike race took place two days after he filed a claim alleging an injury to his back, according to the documents.The DA’s office says a video posted online shows that Wenker is shooting video of mountain biking, using a helmet camera while riding behind others.

Scully reported that “Ryan Wenker was convicted of misdemeanor making a false statement to fraudulently obtain compensation. He filed a workers’ comp claim while employed with the Dept. of Corrections as a corrections officer. He alleged he injured his back at work. Photos and bike race standings posted on Wenker’s Facebook page show that he participated in a mountain bike race while collecting disability – see video. Wenker is wearing a camera attached to his helmet.”

A spokeswoman for the DA’s office said that Wenker was ordered to serve 45 days in the Sacramento County Jail, and ordered to pay $5,000 in restitution to the Department of Corrections.