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Tauzetti Pritchard

Tauzetti Pritchard

Tauzetti Pritchard is a Hearing Representative in our firm's Fresno office. Ms. Pritchard has more than 14 years of experience in the workers' compensation industry as a law firm senior paralegal. Her accomplishments also include winning many cases before both the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review and the Appeals Council of the Social Security Administration. Ms. Pritchard was also awarded the Legal Studies Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement from Delmar Learning/Westlaw in 2008.
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Tauzetti Pritchard is a Hearing Representative in our firm's Fresno office. Ms. Pritchard has more than 14 years of experience in the workers' compensation industry as a law firm senior paralegal. Her accomplishments also include winning many cases before both the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review and the Appeals Council of the Social Security Administration. Ms. Pritchard was also awarded the Legal Studies Award for Outstanding Scholastic Achievement from Delmar Learning/Westlaw in 2008.