John M. Langevin
John M. Langevin is a Senior Partner of the Law Offices of Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin's Bay Area and Sacramento offices. He is a Certified Specialist in workers' compensation law by the State Bar of California. Mr. Langevin began his career in workers' compensation defense at State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) in the State Contracts Unit where he was responsible for representation of the State of California. He was quickly promoted to senior counsel and regularly assigned complex cases, including catastrophic claims, discrimination complaints and multi-forum litigation. After twelve years at SCIF, he joined the Law Offices of Floyd Skeren Manukian Langevin and has since overseen the growth of its practice on a statewide basis. As a former nurse, his background in medical issues has proved to be an invaluable asset to achieving favorable results for his clients and that of his colleagues.
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